Romance was nice. It was new to Jeongguk, what with Taehyung being his first love, his first boyfriend, but there was something about 'romance,' that Jeongguk wasn't overly fond of. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, all he knew was that he was tired of gentle caresses and soft kisses, he was bored.

With Taehyung being inherently gentle in his handling of him, often treating Jeongguk like he's breakable, Jeongguk quickly concluded that he was not comparable to glass.

He was comparable to something tougher, stronger, perhaps even something indestructible.

He knows Taehyung has it in him, to be rougher, cruder in his approaches, he can see it in the hunger that rises in Taehyung sometimes, like when Jeongguk's being particularly suggestive, teasing when he shouldn't, in public spaces with eyes all around them, resting a daring hand on Taehyung's upper thigh beneath the dinner table, travelling further up his thigh as the night unfolds.

He's seen it, so he knows Taehyung can pull it out of himself, this hunger, but pulling it out of Taehyung has been trifling, to say the least.

Under the guise of alcohol, Jeongguk had grabbed his chance, and had hooked his fingers into the belt loops of Taehyung's trousers as he'd said, quietly, "I want you to treat me like I've been bad, hyung."

Taehyung stared, and he stared some more before he'd picked his jaw up off of the floor.

His mouth opened and closed as his brain struggled to form syllables, "You want me to..." he stopped himself, slammed his mouth shut as he'd watched Jeongguk's eyes scan across his chest, his hands coming up to stroke along where his eyes had mapped across his breast, "What exactly does that entail?"

Jeongguk sighed, sank forward until his forehead was pressed in the divot between Taehyung's clavicles.

There was no easy way to broach the topic, not when Taehyung touches him so tenderly, kisses him so sweetly, wishes nothing but happiness for Jeongguk; but sometimes, and lately, a lot of the time, Jeongguk doesn't want tenderness or sweetness. He wants Taehyung to berate him, to frown at him, to snarl at him and threaten punishments for his wrongdoings.

He wants to feel bad.

The discussion that night ended with Jeongguk on all fours in the centre of the living room, with his back arched and Taehyung's name slipping repeatedly from his lips. Taehyung hadn't told him he was bad, he hadn't fucked him hard enough for it to hurt, but what he had done, and what had made the scalding fire licking at the base of Jeongguk's spine feel hotter than it's ever felt before, was growl hoarsely between Jeongguk's shoulder-blades, "Y-you're such a fucking brat."

Jeongguk didn't last long after that.

Taehyung begins warming to the idea, largely because of the fact that Jeongguk starts providing him with enough reasons as to why he's 'bad.'

He ignores Taehyung's texts when he's out during the day, he conveniently forgets to hang the washing out, despite Taehyung asking him to do it what feels like twenty times, but the final straw, the thing that makes Taehyung snap is when Jeongguk arrives home one night.

He watches Taehyung bathe himself in cologne, and then as he buttons up his shirt.

As Jeongguk leans against their bedroom's doorframe, he sighs, pulls a face, "Hyung, I..." he starts, and Taehyung turns on him instantly, already disliking his tone.

"Hurry up and get ready, we're going to miss our reservation," he turns his back on Jeongguk, giving him no time to continue, but of course, Jeongguk makes no move to dig his best clothes out of their closet, no, instead, he folds his arms, stands firmly in the doorway and pushes his chest out.

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