Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)

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THIS BELONGS TO @PaperTigersBlackAndWhite ON AO3

Taehyung spots the sign hanging outside the tattoo and piercing shop and digs his heels into the pavement, whining out loud so Jimin, his best friend turned traitor, can see just how upset he really is.

"No, Jiminie, seriously! I'm too young to die!"

"You're not going to die, drama queen," Jimin laughs, yanking Taehyung forward with determination. And because Taehyung is a tall and lithe beauty, rather than five foot seven of protein shake and hours sweating in a gym, Jimin can drag him along with ease. Taehyung whines and whinges and drags his feet, but he still lets himself be pulled, because Jimin would probably keep dragging him even if he lay down on the pavement, and his dignity cannot allow that kind of a scene.

"It's not fair!" he cries. "I'm crying, Jiminie! Look at these tears," he widens his eyes for effect, making his bottom lip wobble and willing some actual tears to come to the surface to back up his claims.

Jimin laughs and pokes his tearless cheeks, obviously not concerned by his state of distress. Taehyung makes a mental note to find a new best friend, one that shows sympathy in the face of dire circumstances.

"It is fair! You made a bet, and you lost it," Jimin reminds him.

"You have no proof I made that bet," Taehyung sniffs.

"Actually," Jimin pulls out his phone, quickly locating a video clip taken a few nights ago, with Taehyung standing on a chair mid-rant, cup raised high and a group of their friends standing around him, cheering.

Video-Taehyung yells out, audible, even through the tinny speakers of Jimin's phone, "There's no way in hell Namjoon-hyung's got better game than me! If he gets laid before I do I'll get my game-less dick pierced in penance, and that's a promise!"

"Stop that," present (and horribly regretful) Taehyung shoves Jimin's phone away from his face. "I didn't know he already had a girlfriend! And that was at Jackson's party; I wasn't sober, so you can't hold me to it!"

"You were designated driver. You drank soda and juice all night, so you only have your own rash statements and the sugar high to blame," Jimin shakes his head, grinning.

"My mum hasn't given me permission?" Taehyung tries as a last-ditch attempt, only a few paces from the door of the tattoo and piercing place already.

"You're twenty-three," Jimin rolls his eyes. "As much as I love your mother, Mrs Kim never has to know about the dick piercing."

Taehyung whimpers as Jimin pushes open the door and ushers him in first, approaching the girl at the desk with the same enthusiasm he imagines a criminal would have walking to the gallows. The walls of the shop are painted a strange shade of yellow that should be ugly, but instead complements the cool artwork on the walls – paintings and sketches of a whole host of subjects, some of them accompanied by photographs of the art tattooed onto someone's body. Three wooden benches that look almost like church pews occupy one corner near the door, with shabby pillows thrown over them for comfort. A wooden cabinet with a glass front holds dozens of stands of shiny body jewellery for sale, and Taehyung shivers looking at all the little bits of metal that will one day go through someone's skin. An open double doorway leads into the back of the shop, where Taehyung can see beds like they have at the doctors, some of them occupied by customers while a tattoo artist looms over them, the buzzing of machines and chatter just audible over the jangle of old rock music coming through speakers across the shop.

The girl at the reception desk Jimin is leading him to is extremely pretty, with long dark hair and sleek nails tapping on the desk, and if Taehyung didn't feel ready to die because of what he's here for maybe he'd consider asking her out. That, and she's covered in elegant swirls of floral tattoos that look delicate, but the thought of all the pain that went into the intricate artwork laced over her arms makes Taehyung shudder. Anyone willing to put themselves through that could probably kick his ass to hell and back without breaking a sweat.

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