Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)

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The dance floor is pretty packed and they bump into several people while Taehyung drags them right into the middle. Here the crowd is thickest, and Jeongguk makes a face at his choice of location and mouths something that looks a lot like 'really?' but since Taehyung can't hear him he just grins and starts moving along with the beat.

When he'd pulled Jeongguk out here he'd meant to start being seductive. He'd planned on throwing him dark looks and swaying his hips enticingly, maybe throw in a few lip bites if he was really feeling it. He'd had enormous success with his seduction techniques in the past and he'd been looking forward to getting Jeongguk down on his knees begging for him faster than he could forget the taste of their drinks.

What he hadn't planned on doing was performing an impromptu recital of every dance based meme that he knew, just to see the way it made Jeongguk roll his eyes and tell him to stop, all while biting back a laugh.

"Don't you miss a classic Gangnam Style?" Taehyung grins, doing the dance with so much enthusiasm that some of the people close to them back away a little, throwing concerned looks at Taehyung.

"Jesus, Taehyung, stop it!" Jeongguk cracks at last, laughing with his eyes scrunched up and reaching out like he's going to pull Taehyung in by his flailing arms, hand knocking against Taehyung's crossed fists before Taehyung jerks back, dancing out of his reach again. "You're going to smack someone's eye out!"

"Finally!" Taehyung crows, pointing at Jeongguk's (unexpectedly adorable) laughing expression. "The ice queen has melted!"

He does a celebratory dab, and, as elegantly as a prima ballerina, jumps straight into a whip-and-nae-nae, colliding with someone's back and tripping over his feet, arms thrown out in a less-than-glamourous flail.

He finds himself hoping, right as his balance fails him and he's tipping sideways, that his life will become a beautiful clichéd romance and Jeongguk will be the prince charming to catch him, pull him tight into his broad chest and he'll be saved.

But alas, fate rarely follows the whims of poor Taehyungs trying to woo intimidatingly hot men.

So he finds himself thudding inelegantly down onto a dancefloor that's vaguely sticky and damp, and he's almost certainly sitting on someone's empty beer can right now.

He feels himself frowning before he can stop it, whining as he wipes his hands over the front of his jeans to try and get some of the gross spilled-drink-and-dirt feeling off them.

Then someone's reaching down and grabbing one of his hands, hauling him up off the floor and out of the danger of careless feet, and maybe he gets a little of his fantasy story because Jeongguk is holding Taehyung's hand and they are quite close now.

It's not so fun that Jeongguk is laughing at him, and Taehyung can feel his frown turning into a pout, untangling his fingers to smack Jeongguk's solid chest in retribution.

"You deserved that," Jeongguk cackles, nose scrunched up by his grin. "Such a fucking dork, oh my god."

"Mean," Taehyung huffs and crosses his arms.

"Now that you've literally fallen on your ass will you finally act like an adult?" Jeongguk's smile becomes more of a smirk, eyes darkening as he cocks his head a little and steps closer, one finger tracing the line of Taehyung's jaw. "I thought we were getting somewhere before you started re-enacting distressingly out of date memes."

"You recognised them!" Taehyung forgets to be annoyed, brightening again and unfolding his arms. "Even –"

"No!" Jeongguk commands, hands shooting out to catch Taehyung's and winding their fingers safely together before he can dance away again. Skin on skin warm amongst all the moving bodies nudging them closer together, and Jeongguk's entrancing dark eyes, his face lit up in flashes of strange colours in the neon lights of the club. "You're a fucking public menace."

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