Hold You Close, Tonight And Always

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Orphan Account ;p

One of the best things about celebrating your birthday at the dorms is that you get to drink as much as you want without having to worry about who's watching. Taehyung may not be a very careful person in general, but he tends to become just a little wilder than he normally is when he's drunk. So it's like that, with Jeongguk and Taehyung tucked against each other on the sofa in Jeongguk's bedroom, backs to the soft cushioning and a bottle of soju that Jeongguk had sneaked in from the kitchen in Taehyung's hands. A sort of birthday celebration for when they're both too tired to do anything else. They have the entire day to celebrate and Jeongguk did promise to take him out on a proper date come morning, but for now, this is fine.

"I'm still kinda disappointed you didn't give me a present though," Taehyung says, pouting in the exaggerated way he usually does when he's just joking. He isn't drunk enough to look completely comical but Jeongguk knows he's having fun anyway. "You don't love me, do you?"

Jeongguk pokes Taehyung in the side and frowns "Don't be like that," he says "I told you it'd come tomorrow morning, right?"

"You say that but you'll still have to make it up to me somehow."

Jeongguk takes a sip from the bottle and shakes it in Taehyung's direction. "You can have the last sip from this bottle."

Taehyung huffs. "That's cheap."

"I'll let you win on Mario kart when we play."

"I would have kicked your ass anyway," he says "You're not even trying are you?"

Jeongguk hums, thinking about it. "I can go tease the hyungs for you?"

"Nah. Let them sleep," he says, laughing. "They need their rest."

Jeongguk sighs, getting up to throw the empty bottle into the trashcan and stretching his legs in the process. The bottle slips from his fingers for a second and Jeongguk quickly bends down to pick it up before it can crash to the floor. Taehyung catches the way the muscles of his thighs strain against his jeans and it makes something strange flutter in the pit of his stomach.

"You could just—" Jeongguk begins, pauses when he turns to look at Taehyung. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Taehyung swallows. "Since you're standing already why don't you dance a bit?"

"Dance?" Jeongguk frowns "That's all we've done today, hyung."

"I like watching you dance. Do it for me, Jeonggukie."

Jeongguk heaves a sigh, sounding more tired than he probably is before nodding. "Alright."

Taehyung grins, leaning against the wall and making himself comfortable, pulling the blanket tighter around himself as Jeongguk straightens his legs and nocks his head to the side in his let's do this face.

"Don't expect much," Jeongguk says "You've seen part of this already."

Taehyung hums, gestures with his hands for Jeongguk to start dancing. It's a new choreo, Taehyung thinks, when he notices the way Jeongguk's feet are positioned and the way he moves his body, slow at first as he moves side to side, and then rolling his hips and snapping straight with a pop of his elbows. Taehyung grins, leaning forward without meaning to as Jeongguk really starts moving, faster with each beat of his feet against the floor and Taehyung thinks that the dance would only be better with music.

"I'm going to play some music," he says "You're such a good dancer."

Jeongguk looks at him as he dances, grinning with a sense of pride that Taehyung knows always means he's truly happy with the praise. Taehyung quickly sifts through his phone for a song, finds that he only has his workout playlist right now. He shrugs, plays the first song and sets the phone back down. The music is loud, a fast enough beat that usually makes Taehyung want to run a few miles on the treadmill, and it fits the way Jeongguk dances right now, all powerful moves and pops of his limbs that are far too attractive to Taehyung right now. There's something about the way Jeongguk moves his body, the careful way he holds himself and rolls his body, the way he shifts and pulls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. The way his thigh muscles flex every time he bends down and moves his hands down his chest.

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