Headed to Hell for the Company

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A series of one-shots depicting Taehyung's time with his mildly sex-crazed half-demon boyfriend Jungkook.


"Yeah, uh. Shit." Taehyung glances over the bottles lining the counter. "Rum and coke, I guess."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Classy, Tae."

"I'm trying," he argues.

"Not well." Jungkook turns back to the bartender, twirling a little in his stool. Gives a dazzling grin, resting his chin on his hand with his elbow on the glossy countertop.

"And for you?" the man asks, and grins right back, leaning closer.

"I think I'll have a martini," Jungkook says. Taehyung knows he's picking it solely to put himself above Taehyung, as a fucking connoisseur of class or something. The damn guy doesn't even like martinis.

"You take it dirty?" the bartender asks. Taehyung scowls.

"Hm. I'd like that," Jungkook drawls, and lets his downy eyelashes flutter. Taehyung scowls some more, and Jungkook excitedly wiggles his toes in his fancy dress shoes.

"Let me get that for you."

The bartender leaves, and Taehyung's still got that scowl painted over his lips.

"Jesus. Does he think he's fucking slick? What the fuck was that? Jesus."

"He's just doing his job, Tae." Jungkook rolls his eyes. But he's not stupid, and neither is Taehyung. They both saw the way that man had looked at Jungkook—more accurately, the way everyone looks at Jungkook. Which he loves, of course, even more so because it gets Taehyung so on edge.

"Don't bullshit, Kook. You're a piece of meat in his eyes, you know it."

"Hm. Damn good piece of meat, if you ask me."

Jungkook's in one of his moods tonight. He's not modest; he'll admit it. There's just something about pure, unadulterated luxury that gets his blood pumping. Makes him seek attention. Because nights like these, in fabrics like these, he looks good, frighteningly so. Maybe he wants to flaunt it a little. What are you gonna do?

Needless to say, Taehyung's in one of his moods, too. Brought on by Jungkook, of course, because the damn guy always holds more influence over him than he likes to admit. If Jungkook's happy, Taehyung's happy, and that's generally how it goes. Hand-in-hand with that, if Jungkook's restless, Taehyung is, undeniably, restless.

And it's a real restless evening, this one. Coupled with silk ties and polished shoes and gelled hair. Steep liquor and even steeper stilettos, clicking over the floor to the muted tune of the background. Fancy, if you will. Which is really neither Taehyung or Jungkook's style, but sometimes you've got to treat yourself.

At least, that's Jungkook's excuse.

"You're liking it too much here," Taehyung mutters to him when their drinks come. As the bartender hands Jungkook his glass with a skilled hand balancing the stem, Taehyung makes sure to place a hand on Jungkook's bicep and lean a bit closer, looking the guy right in the eye. And Jungkook catches that, and smirks. Then he makes sure to wink at the bartender a second before he turns.

"Kook," Taehyung warns.

"Mm?" He carefully lifts his drink, barely sips it, and puts it back down with a mild grimace before he smiles coyly at Taehyung. "I'm just having a bit of fun, Tae. Feeling the mood? You get me?"

Taekook Smuts and DrabblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz