Sated Enough?

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Taehyung steps out of the adjoined master bathroom and into the bedroom, freshly showered with a towel draping his head.

He walks around in their room naked, droplets of water still rolling off of his skin and face flushed from the heat of his shower.

It's summer, so he would rather air dry. The weather today had been smothering and the chill of air-drying feels so good for him right now.

It's when he's digging around in his drawer for some clothes that his eyebrow twitches at the acute curse word he hears fly out of his boyfriend's mouth from the living room.

Taehyung huffs, kind of bummed out.

He hadn't expected for him to still be on the damn thing by the time he got out. He thought he would finally have the chance to cuddle, and, at least, watch a movie with Jungkook tonight. He more wants to cuddle than anything else though.

The alpha seriously makes him want to chuck the PlayStation 4 console out of a window with how often he's on it.

Taehyung tosses away the towel on his head after rubbing his ultramarine blue hair dry and then puts on a soft pair of black, white-rimmed track shorts that he usually likes to lounge around in and ties the drawstring at his waist, no underwear underneath.

Jungkook did take him out on a breathtaking date the other day, just the two of them at the Aquarium and then they strolled along the riverbank at night, fingers interlaced. It had been so refreshing and romantic of Jungkook. He was even more handsome and charming than he already is that night. It got Taehyung so wet, so of course they fucked like crazy that night too.

"Neutralize these motherfuckers! The fuck are you dumb asses doing right now?"

Taehyung's eyebrow twitches, again. He grabs a loose hanging gray tank top out of the drawer and slips it on, the water on his skin getting the fabric a tiny bit damp.

Maybe he's being too clingy, but he can't help that he wants to spend time with Jungkook. It's not like the alpha ignores him completely when he's focused on his video games, but he also doesn't give him his full attention.

He would call Jimin to complain, but his best friend is probably too busy with his newborn baby boy to answer the phone, and just to hear Taehyung whine about.. nothing really. He'd rather not bother him. Jimin has only just had his pup a few weeks ago and Taehyung can only imagine his exhaustion. Not to mention, he doesn't want to get told off by Yoongi, Jimin's alpha, again, for keeping him on the phone for too long.

Yoongi's such an attentive alpha, always making sure Jimin can rest himself when their newborn's finally asleep. Taehyung thinks it's adorable, but he misses his friend.

And he missed Jungkook all day today, too.

He had gone out to the supermarket in order to restock their fridge while Jungkook went out with his friends Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin to the mall earlier today. When Jungkook got back he took a shower, turned on his PS4 and then plopped down in front of the TV, like he normally did on days that he had free time.

He glances over himself in the full-length mirror in their bedroom, skin wet but looking baby-smooth and fairly unblemished. He idly pushes his fingers through his hair, getting the blue locks out of his face.

His eyes widen at the loud slew of vulgarities and curses that string out of Jungkook's mouth next. Jungkook doesn't normally have such a foul vocabulary, unless they're having sex, or he's frustrated and upset. The alpha must be on a losing team.

Taehyung comes to the decision that instead of sulking about Jungkook being into his video game and not him, that he'll just go join him in the living room.

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