and i want you

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THIS BELONGS TO @wowoashley (orphan_account)  ON AO3

Taehyung loves parties. He loves everything about them-- the music, the alcohol, the dancing, the people. He and Jimin often tag team down the fraternity row on weekends, looking for a good time.

So when Jimin brings up Hoseok's post-competition party to Taehyung, he's surprised when Taehyung says no.

"What do you mean, no?" Jimin asks, a little miffed. Taehyung tugs the covers up further over his face. "We just got first place at the dance comp. You have to come!"

"I'm just. Not feeling up to it right now, Jiminie," Taehyung sniffs. Jimin's face drops into a contemplative frown. He sits on the edge of the bed, and it dips with his weight.

"Okay, spill. What's actually wrong?"

Taehyung pushes the covers back, looking at Jimin.

"I saw Halla drag Jeongguk into the bathroom at the Delta Kappa Zeta party last week," he mumbles, face flaming up. Jimin narrows his eyes, opening and closing his mouth. He doesn't really know how to respond to that.

That fucking idiot, Jimin thinks, making a mental note to beat the shit out of Jeongguk at tomorrow's dance practice.

He sighs, rubbing at Taehyung's back in a motion of comfort. "Are you surprised? You know how Jeongguk is."

"I know. But I'm petty and bitter."

Jimin shakes his head and looks up at the ceiling, praying to the lord for strength. He didn't really know how to deal with his idiot best friend and his equally idiot of a crush. If they could just stop dancing around each other for one damn minute, Jimin thinks.

It was pretty common knowledge that Taehyung had a thing-- if Taehyung's massive, burning, intense, two year long crush could be called just a thing-- for Jeon Jeongguk, who was, unfortunately, the campus bad boy.

Not that he was necessarily a bad person. Jimin knew him well enough to know that Jeongguk could be thoughtful when he wanted. But he definitely gave off that vibe unapproachable vibe, but it was mostly because Jeongguk was too painfully shy to talk to people. So he'd gotten used to looking as intimidating as possible to keep people away. It was classic Taehyung to fall for the emotionally constipated dickwad.

"I honestly don't know what you see in that guy."

Taehyung sits up now, obviously angry. "What do you mean? He's like. The hottest guy on campus! And he's really sweet and smart. He's all buff too, and tall and his shoulders are so--" Taehyung screams into his pillow, muffling the sound.

"He looks like a serial killer," Jimin says, not helpfully.

"I want him to come on my face," Taehyung says sadly. Jimin reels back in disgust.

"Okay I love you and all, but keep your thirsty ass fantasies to yourself, thanks."

Taehyung whines and throws himself back on the bed and looks up, holding out a fist. "If the universe could just. Give me a chance. I could totally get into his pants."

Jimin rubs his temples. "Not that you need one, since you two are friends. But, you're getting your chance. Jeongguk's gonna be at the party."

"He's what?" Taehyung screeches. Jimin shrugs, inspecting his nail beds.

"B-but. He never goes to parties? He only appears like. Every full moon on the third Saturday of the month. Like. There's no way."

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