Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)

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Chapter Seven: It Can't Be Love

"Oh yes, you are," Jungkook says before hungrily attacking Taehyung's neck, earning a surprised gasp coming out of the older's lips.

"I'm not," he replies though his half-lidded eyes and open mouth aren't exactly helping his case. His fingers intertwine with Jungkook's raven locks and he tugs at the soft hairs that stick to his nape, trying hard to conceal the need to be touched just there. Jungkook's hand caresses his naked waist leaving a warm trail on its wake before traveling down his body, a single finger playing with the tip of his cock. The touch is delicious and yet it's the opposite of enough, leaving Taehyung only wanting, needing, aching for more. He bites his lip to refrain from doing just what the other wants, from falling under his spell.

"Let's see how long you can resist," the younger murmurs against his earlobe, voice husky and intimate. Taehyung is about to reply, something witty and repetitive about how he's never going to beg for anything, but then Jungkook's thumb presses against his slit the moment his lips clash with his mouth in a passionate kiss that has him moaning.

And okay, Jungkook may act like he's completely under control, not losing his cool in the slightest, but inside the turmoil of thoughts and feelings results in a struggle hard enough to make him desperate. He's ashamed of how much he adores Taehyung's body, how much he worships it and can't get enough of. But the worst part is how much of a goner he is for the delectable sounds he makes every time Jungkook does anything at all. And the kisses...the kisses are ferocious but with a hint of something soft that only worsens Jungkook's agony.

"Ugh, just...just fuck me already," Taehyung gasps promising himself that's all the begging he's going to make...ever. But as desperate as Jungkook is, he won't let the older get what he wants, not that easily.

"Try harder," Jungkook replies, lips kissing down his jaw.

"You are such a jerk."

Jungkook, instead of answering, lets his lips travel downward. He kisses his way through the older's chest, reaching his hips slowly in a torturous way, and when he finally gets to his navel, he noses at the tender skin there. It makes Taehyung almost giggle at the tickling feeling it provokes. But then his wet mouth ghosts over his throbbing dick, tongue barely licking the already teased tip and Taehyung muffles a scream with the back of his hand.

"I hate you so much, Jeon Jungkook," he whines, his entire body shivering with desire. He feels the pressing warmth all around him, it begins in the pit of his stomach and spreads through his legs, arms, neck. He's on fire and only Jungkook can put the flames out.

"Do you want me, Taehyung?" the raven-haired inquiries against the skin of his stomach as he goes up once more, his lips brushing his heated body in a delicious, sinful way. Taehyung nails dig into the soft sheets underneath him as he shuts his eyes tightly, head thrown backwards in pure bliss.

"Yes, yes. So much, " he voices, and the yearning in his voice takes Jungkook by surprise. He holds himself up by his elbows as his fingers wrap loosely around the older's erect cock, moving up and down at a slow but steady pace that drives Taehyung slowly to the edge. He feels as if his feet were moving towards a cliff he simply wants to jump from but is unable to due to a rope tying his toes to the ground. He wants so hard to get loose...

"How much?" Jungkook asks, more because his heart is beating like it needs to hear it than to tease him.

"More than---anyone," Taehyung cries, no longer filtering his words thorugh his brain, simply voicing the thoughts he tries so hard to hide that he sometimes forgets he even has them in the first place.

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