My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)

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He sees Kook again a few days later, when he calls him with his usual private number, tells him to come over for dinner.

They talk about nothing as usual, and when Tae's washing the dishes, Jungkook's phone ring. The phone never rings, as far as Taehyung is concerned. And Jungkook leaves his side where he has been drying the utensils to take the call into his study where Tae knows he isn't allowed to enter, even without explicit warning from Jungkook.

Besides, Taehyung's pretty sure his study would just be filled with his job related things. He doesn't feel the need to see those when the kitchen is equipped with so many knives of different kinds already.

He finishes washing the dishes, dries them and Jungkook's still in the study.

He tiptoes to the room, peeks through the gap of the open door from a distance.

"I don't work for anyone," He hears Jungkook saying in a cold voice.

Tae doesn't know what kind of people Kook deals with. But they all must be dangerous men. His life must be filled with them. Like Tae's too apparently.

He doesn't want to intrude, not wanting to meddle into Kook's business so he goes into the bedroom.

It's silent there, and he can still hear muffled sound of him talking from across living room.

When Jungkook finally enters the bedroom, his expression is cold, rigid. His gaze is sharp, piercing. So Taehyung goes to wrap his arms around him, savoring his warmth, and frame that he holds dearly with his own two arms.

He shivers in the comfort of Jungkook pushing his hands under his shirt, brushing his back to pull him closer.

He feels Jungkook's bare fingers brushing at his shoulders. It's soothing to think his fingerprints are all over him. Covering the old scars on his skin with his own marks.

"Are you leaving?" He asks. "For another job soon?"

Jungkook holds him tighter. "Yes," He speaks into Tae's hair, that Tae closes his eyes just to hear his voice better.

There's a force that pulls his lips into a hard frown, that he doesn't want Jungkook to see.

"For how long?"

"I don't know."

Taehyung feels the heat in his closed eyes.

"I'll leave early in the morning. Call a cab to get home."

Taehyung hides further into the solace that Jungkook provides. But at this moment it feels so distant. He can't put a finger on why. Like a shoe box buried deep beneath the ground. Like he's wearing leather gloves himself. Incapable of touching the real surface of things.

"I'll stay here then, until you come back."

Jungkook shakes his head against Taehyung's hair, inhaling deeply. "You have to go to work."

Taehyung learned a new song with Yoongi. He likes the new song. It understands him. He thinks if he sings them fully on stage, he'd be telling everyone about everything.

"Jungkook," he calls, and gets a hum. "Do you love me?"

He lifts his hands, brushing Jungkook's back in the process and gently pushes him back by his chest.

Kook stares at him, arms loose around Tae.

Taehyung looks searchingly into his eyes, and Kook's eyes have found him. Jungkook doesn't seem to have to search for anything. Because he knows where he keeps his guns, where he puts his knives. He could grab them in his sleep if he has to. Taehyung knows that from experience.

Taekook Smuts and DrabblesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ