My Ride Or Die pt6

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Jungkook grips on his hand, despite the wound and bandage. His eyebrows furrow, his expression complex.

"Go home," he tells him after a second. "I'll call you a cab."

The statement makes his heart drop. Tae feels so upset to hear those words. When Jungkook  has been bleeding, hair messy from a fight, his crumpled shirt stained with red and his house messy.

"No," Taehyung shakes his head instead, looking over at the bloodied knife.

He doesn't know why he had been so scared, when now instead of the cold, incapacitating fear, he feels like he doesn't want to leave. There's an inexplicable twisting feeling in his chest, that feels like a relief, but at the same time is not either. It feels like relief, and urgency, and fear all once. It's just so strange, and hard to define. It's unnerving.

He just doesn't know what he would do if he had found Kook dead. If it wasn't just a slashed hand instead.

So he surges forward, and presses his lips against Jungkook's.

"I don't want to leave," He whispers then. "Not when I could have lost you."

And Jungkook's eyes gleam in the proximity; his kind, kind eyes. He just stares at Taehyung silently for a few seconds, unfathomable, before he leans in and kisses Taehyung on the lips himself.

Taehyung wants to cry at the way Jungkook moves to hold him. So gently, so tenderly like he's the wounded one.

He wants to tell him that if he holds him without hurting him like this, he'll be the first one to ever did; despite the blood, despite the murder, despite the dead body in the same space.

And there are cinnamons in his teeth when Jungkook pulls away, just gently cradling his face in his good hand. Tae's eyes are teary as he looks over Kook, his breath ragged. It's as if Jungkook's testing, if Taehyung would walk away. But Tae really doesn't want to.

It's just peculiar, he finds, how Kook's everything he should be scared of, yet strangely he doesn't feel scared at all in this moment.

He's just glad Jungkook's alive.

So he kisses him again, harder, feels his arm tightening around the curve of his waist yet it doesn't hurt, it's just secure, and Taehyung doesn't know why it fills the back of his eyelids with tears when he shuts his eyes tightly.

When he pulls away to catch his breaths, feeling overwhelmed, Kook just looks over him with a soft gaze. Tae cups at his face with both of his hands, and wipes away the blood on his cheek with a thumb. He doesn't know whose blood it is, but knows that the color red doesn't look nice on a face as kind as his.

Jungkook nears him again, and Tae's heart pounded, fingers clutching at Kook's crinkled shirt as he listens to his soft breath right there close to his ear.

"I have to move the body," Jungkook whispers then, and he sounds almost apologetic, that Taehyung just nods against his shoulder.

He doesn't watch when Jungkook moves the dead body into the guest bathroom easily, telling him not to worry about it, he'll dispose it himself.

He cleans up the mess, even though Jungkook tells him not to. And finds no other traces of blood even after he has moved the body.

He doesn't think he should ask what Jungkook would do with the corpse, so he doesn't. Just wipes away the blood, cleans the floor and gets rid of any other traces of violence in the apartment because that's what he's good at.

Jungkook walks into a room that looks like a study. Taehyung hears him locking the door. And after a while, when Kook comes out and relocks the door with a key, he realizes the room is off limits.

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