The meeting

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On Saturday, Tsuna was laying on her bed, looking at the edges of her back length hair. 'Do all girls do this when their bored?' She thought. She noticed that she looked at the edges of her hair a lot these days. She then heard the doorbell ring.

"Tsu-Chan! Can you get that? I'm busy making snacks for your friends!" Nana called her from downstairs. Tsuna being the good child she was; obediently went downstairs to get the door.

"Yo, Tsuna!" Yamamoto greeted her cheerfully. Ryohei would've greeted her as well if there wasn't a piece of duct tape on her mouth.

"Good morning juudaime!" Gokudera also greeted her as well. The thing was, Gokudera didn't bow for once- not that Tsuna was complaining- upon closer inspection, it seemed the silverette girl was carrying a child with black hair.

Tsuna was puzzled, "Gokudera...who's that?" She asked, referring to the child.

Gokudera looked confused for a moment then realized what Tsuna had been talking about. Tsuna really didn't put it past Gokudera to forget that she was carrying a child "this is the stupid cow" she answered Tsuna's question.

"E-eh? That's Lambo?" Tsuna exclaimed, she hasn't seen Lambo in days! "Well...let's go to my room to wait for the others?" Tsuna stepped aside to let the three girls (plus baby) in.

They didn't expect to see two more girls and a man in Tsuna's room when they came back.

Tsuna cleared her throat "how long had I been gone?"

Her older brother figure answered her with thumbs up and a "a minute or two".

Tsuna was about to comment when a certain squeaky voice interrupted her "good morning, everyone" Reborn greeted them, standing on the window sill. Dino, Mukuro and Hibari must've gone through the window as well.

"Infant" Hibari acknowledged him.

"Right" Reborn started, jumping on Tsuna's head "I'm sure you're all wondering about your sudden gender change" heads perked up at that statement "but we're not going to discuss that yet, you guys have to know about this first" taking his fedora off, he pulled out a book.

It looked old, and thin, indicating that most of its pages were lost already.

Tsuna took the book carefully, not wanting to damage it more than it already was. She opened it and found that it was written in a language foreign to him and read the only line he could understand "Elena de Florida".

"As dame Tsuna read, that diary belongs to Elena, Daemon Spades lover" Reborn explained to them.

"Lambo-sama does not like we're this is going..." Lambo finally woke up.

"Shut it stupid cow" Reborn then ignored the 5 year old, instead, he turned to the others "it's in French, who wants to read it?"

Mukuro raised her hand as if she were reciting in class (something she never does) "ohhh...pick me! Pick me!" Tsuna handed her the diary while Reborn flipped it to the last page.

Mukuro hummed then began to read.


Dear diary,

My last entry? Well then, I got to make the last one. I'll continue in another diary anyway.

Daemon Spade, what a foolish person you are... you don't have to cry for her; the important thing is that I'm alive, and she's dead, who would want her anyway? You never loved her, you used could you?

She's a bad person, her hair is so messy! So unladylike and rude! She can't and won't get rid of the corruption in her eyes, Daemon would have been all mine if  only she didn't show up, I'm way better then her, I'm prettier, more innocent, unlike her, the one who hurts you a lot

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