The mist gaurdian

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Namimori Japan

While the teacher was going through the class today's lessons, Tsuna was doing what all little Tsuna's do when they are stuck in a boring lecture; thinking of whatever the hell Tsuna's are thinking about. Right now, he was thinking about his former mist guardian. The word 'former' was used because Tsuna did not have mist guardians at the moment; no, he only had one guardian of each attribute now, and Mukuro was one of them.

Chrome wasn't a guardian anymore.

It started one day when Mukuro suddenly showed up on his doorstep and told him that he accepts the role of tenth mist guardian. Turns out, he was supposed to fight Chrome for the title.

Turns out Mukuro wanted the position from the very start, even if it was the mafia; it wasn't Estraneo, it was Vongola; one of the very few famiglias that he now accepted- the others including Shimon and Cavallone, him preferring the latter over the former- and that's what matters. But he wouldn't fight Chrome, whom he considered a dear sister just for the position. He thought of a plan. A plan that Tsuna could never refuse.

About a week before Chrome's 14th birthday, they'd give her their gifts early. The gifts were all organs to replace her missing organs plus bonus feature; Hibari had gone ahead and found an eye that matched her other eye, god knows where he found it and how.

A week before her birthday, she was in the hospital; getting back what she lost as a gift from her friends.

The rest of the week, they did what she wanted to do, even though she seemed a little unwilling to pick their activities for the day.


On her birthday, a party was held in the Japanese base of Vongola. With people they didn't even know! What the fuck were you thinking Vongola ninth?

"Bossu, are you okay?" Chrome asked Tsuna. He seemed a little off tonight at the party.

"E-eh...o-oh, I'm fine Chrome" Tsuna replied, he forgot Chrome had no idea of what was coming at her. Officially making Mukuro as the unofficial mist guardian they, namely Tsuna, Timoteo and Mukuro decided that it was best to find Chrome a new family and a better, safer life in Japan. No mafia, no illusions, just a simple life as a normal resident in a town near Namimori.

" you know why Mukuro-sama and the others look a bit sad when I talk to them?" Chrome asked, it was seriously bothering her that her friends looked so sad on her birthday.

"Really? Well Chrome, later I'm going to scold them for letting the birthday girl see such expressions..." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Boss, you made that face too!" Chrome pouted.

"E-eh, did I?"

" dear Chrome, we were just sad because in a few years, you will no longer be that innocent little Chrome we know..." Mukuro lied smoothly.

"Mukuro-sama..." Chrome was too gullible for her own good "well, I'm going to look for Hibari-San then" she started walking away from her (overprotective) big brother figure.

"Kufufu...have fun with- waaait..." Mukuro paused, realized something and furrowed his brows "why Kyoya-Kun of all people?!" He yelled. Chrome only giggled.


Chrome screamed as she struggled to get away from the Vongola mafioso trying to pull her away from the other guardians. Tsuna and the other guardians just stood there with pain visible on their faces.

"We're sorry," Tsuna finally said quietly. Chrome's eyes widened at the so-called 'betrayal' as black overcame her sight the moment Tsuna's hand hit the pressure point at the back of her neck. She fell down on the ground unconscious.

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