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Tsuna- 12 years old
Asari, G, Giotto- 13 years old

Giotto looked up from his book and was awestruck at the sight of this...this adorable girl in front of him. She had long brown hair that suited her well and caramel eyes that looked as if they were melting when she smiled.

Giotto was speechless; She didn't look like one of those blasted fan girls he told Alaude to
kill—uhh...get rid of. She actually looked kind and not obsessed.

He never knew girls could look like this.

Giotto swallowed the lump of saliva in his throat and stood up.

"I'm Giotto, pleasure to meet you miss Tsunahime." He smiled as he held out his hand for a handshake of meeting.

Tsuna giggled as she took his hand "Tsuna's fine, I don't want to be called miss while at this age, I don't want to feel old, Giotto-San" she accidentally used the Japanese honorific, now, it was Giotto's turn to laugh "then let's make a deal, miss Tsuna" he half strained on the word miss "I won't call you miss if you won't address me as Giotto-San, for the same reason" he spoke in Japanese, Tsuna's eyes widened.

"You know Japanese?" She asked, shocked to see that there was another person she did not know of in Italy who can speak Japanese.

"Yep" he answered, scratching the back of his head nervously (what he was nervous about, even I don't know) "you see, I have a friend from Japan, me and my group of friends had to learn Japanese for his sake, but then..." he scratched the back of his head again, but this time in embarrassment "by the time we managed to learn and memorize the basics, we found out that he learned Italian while we learned Japanese, a good memory, he has".

"I see, people's friends are there family, don't you agree?" Tsuna commented, Giotto nodded in approval.

"Though my friends are quite a handful" Giotto said, hoping to start a conversation with the brunette.

"I know how that feels, but to be polite, I'm sure you have it worse" Tsuna laughed.

They continued to chat all day as both were enjoyable company for each other and there was this feeling in the air that they were reunited, like they knew each other for a long time...kind of like long lost friends. It was that day, that one of the most fangirl worthy guys, managed to find a girl he wouldn't mind spending time with.

In fact, he bets he'll be itching to talk to her again soon.


Giotto was clearly very happy when he got home after walking Tsuna home that day. His guardians got curious about their boss being so happy. Not that they were complaining though.

Okay, maybe Daemon was complaining about his bosses happy state.

The guy always did dislike happiness...

But that's another story to be told another time.

"Oi, Giotto! Why are you so happy while doing your paperwork?!" G asked him.

Giotto froze and looked down at his hands to see what he was doing, surely enough, he was doing his paperwork "...I was so lost in my mind that I didn't even notice I was doing my paperwork..." he said face draining of the happy pink blush it had earlier. He then realized something " I was doing my paperwork without stress and discomfort...why did you stop the miracle G! Why?!" He whined at his right hand man/best friend.

Daemon must be laughing at his misery right now.

That bastard.

Before things get ugly, or annoying in Alauds point of view, the ever happy Ugetsu Asari stepped in "maa, maa, Giotto, G was just asking how are you so happy, he didn't mean to interrupt this once in a lifetime miracle, so, why were you so happy?" He asked again, trying to calm everything down. Maybe they could get Giotto back into the mood sometime soon; the paperwork would be decreased by a lot like today.

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