All together again

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Tsuna, Taneshi, Hayano- 8 years old
Layla- 5 years old
Kyori & Mukuri- 10 years old
Ryoko- 11 years old
Dante- 28 years old

Tsuna ran home to tell Dante and the others about the boy she met that day; Giotto, the semi-love struck girl kept thinking of the golden haired boy until she came upon a big house—no, a mansion. Tsuna lived there with her friends and Dante, the big brother figure she had who took her in when she was merely a baby.

She took out the keys from her pocket and unlocked the door, only to see it wasn't locked.

'Weird' she thought as she pocketed her keys once more and went into the house. Silence greeted her. 'Why is it so quiet today?' She thought to herself again. "Anybody home?" She called out to no one in particular, hoping for an answer.

"Tsuna-nee!" A small black haired child with curly hair reached down to her shoulders suddenly popped out from nowhere and started dragging Tsuna down the hallways and into the guest room. Layla had an excited look on her childish face. Tsuna smiled and just let Layla drag her to the guest room only to meet with a familiar person on the bed. Everyone else was there too; Dante, Taneshi, and Ryoko.

She mindlessly wondered how Dante even has spare time.

The figure on the bed belonged to a girl with silver hair and had pale skin. Her clothes were covered in blood—the sent lingered in the air, she knew that that certain splatters of blood was only recently made (Dante taught her too well), but the unconscious girl was in good condition, a few bruises and scratches here and there, but fine nonetheless. At a closer look, Tsuna finally realized who this girl was.

"G-Gokudera?!" She half yelled, but her voice was enough to cause the silver haired girl sleeping before them to abruptly wake up, green eyes widening and scanning the room she was in, it was unfamiliar.

She panicked "where am I?!" She yelled loudly, before Tsuna, Ryoko, or Taneshi could react to the sudden outburst of the girl covered in blood, said girl continued "w-where's Kyori and Mukuri?!" She yelled loudly, as she took in the appearances of every occupant in the rooms faces, they sure did look familiar. Almost as if...

Then it hit her...


On the head...


With a pillow...

"J-juudaime?" She managed to say, unsure of words. She hadn't spoken in Japanese in a long time.

"Gokudera, nice to see you again!" Taneshi broke awkward silence by slinging her arm around the girls neck to which the silvernette girl overacted to.


Dante was awoken by a loud scream from the hallways, he stood up immediately and walked out of the room, he kept looking around his mansion, then he saw it; one of the maids he hired, on the floor and a pool of blood surrounding her. He refrained himself from yelling, so that Tsuna and the others wouldn't wake up. He quickly ran to his right hand man's room. Said right hand man advised him to hire the police for this one.

If the police fail to solve this one, then the town will be more secured. They could also put the blame on the government officials and officers for not taking care of this mafia-infested town.

They were mafioso. They weren't like the others who killed innocent people, but they were still mafioso. They always had some dirty tricks up their sleeve.

And higher safety of the town meant his little sisters would be safer.

This is in fact a good thing.

In the morning, the high ranked officers of the (usually useless) police finally arrived. Tsuna and the other girls already heard the story from Dante. But when Dante opened the door, he strangely found no one there.

"Oya, oya, how cruel. Isn't he, Kyori? He called for us, and yet he didn't even see us" a girl with strange heterochromic eyes and indigo hair told another girl ebony hair and a very rare shade of eyes. The black haired girl sighed and took out a badge. Showing it to him, she started talking.

"Hello, don Cavallone" the black haired girl paused, there seemed to be something wrong, "were the highest rank of police, kindly let us in so we can investigate, I'm Hibari Kyori and this is Rokudo Mukuri" She said, referring to herself and the other girl. Dante hesitantly let them in, but there was something off with the black haired girls tone.

Sure he didn't know her. But a feelings a feeling, right?

He swears, if he hears that these two girls have had a rough past as well; shit will go down.

Plus, they looked familiar.

Once the two were inside, Hayano spotted them and ran towards them, pulling them both into a hug; Dante was shocked as it finally dawned on him who these two girls were 'They were the two that brought Hayano here!' Dante thought. Then the realization hit him again like a glass vase hitting the ground.

Aaaand they had a rough past as well.






Dante had to resist the urge to bang his head on the nearest wall.

And banging his head on the wall was one of his favorite activities, mind you.

And it seemed that Tsuna and the others finally realized who the two girls were. They were friends they've met before, somehow.

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