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Tsuna—12 years old
Giotto—13 years old
Lampo—10 years old
Layla—9 years old
Mukuri, Kyori—14 years old
Alaudi, Ryoko—15 years old
Knuckle—16 years old

It was a week or two after the girls visit from the Vongola mansion and now Lampo was in school. Both his parents and Giotto—who ironically didn't go to school, but hey, Giotto was smart enough—agreed that it was necessary for Lampo to receive proper education. Lampo didn't see the point of arguing, because he knew their word was final.

Like any other elementary school student, Lampo found school quite boring. The other people were mean for no reason, the girls were flirts and the boys were complete assholes who need to get a life rather than a dozen more girlfriends. Lampo may be a bit of a flirt at times, but he never got a girlfriend—he turned them all down saying 'I don't want a girlfriend who cheats or will eventually cheat on me...' needless to say, he got the title of the school's very own heartbreaker.

Getting back to the topic, he remembered what happened during the girls visit...


"Alaudi took my virginity three months ago" Kyori said that line a little too bluntly for everyone's liking.

What Alaudi said next caused them—excluding Daemon—to look at her and Alaudi, who was coincidentally sitting next to Kyori—with disbelief on their faces.

"I thought we agreed to not speak of that night..." he smirked at the dumbfounded faces of Giotto and the others.

Tsuna claimed down and sighed in relief for an unknown reason. Then she spoke
" can get out of the circle now" she said.

Kyori stood up, and left before hearing Mukuri grudgingly say "my hair looks like a p-pineapple..." before seeing the indigo haired girl stand up and leave as well.

"Alaudi, you can leave as well...I never knew you were the type of guy to do THAT..." Giotto shuddered, and then Tsuna giggled.




"G-Giotto, Alaudi and Kyori were joking about that..." Tsuna managed to say while laughing at the two skylarks actions. Everyone finally started to breathe again.


And the rest of the day was complete chaos. He would never see G the same way again. Those events were what made him even the slightest bit happy to leave the mansion, even if it was only for about eight hours. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was already time for class. 'The teacher should be here now...' he thought to himself.

At that moment, as if the universe really loved proving him right, the teacher came into the classroom. Standing not-so-tall, the plump teacher cleared his throat and spoke in a loud voice "alright brats! There's going to be a new student in this class starting today! You better be nice to her!" Murmurs about the new student suddenly started to fill the room's atmosphere.

"Everyone! Shut up awhile so the new student can introduce herself!" The teacher half shouted at the students. 'Ah, so she's a girl' Lampo thought.

To everyone's surprise, the new student entered the classroom without the teacher's primmision. The girl was of average height, but still shorter than Lampo. She had eyes the same color of grass and long black hair tied in a low ponytail. She looked like she was really bored now. Then it finally dawned on Lampo who the girl was.

"Your Layla, right?" He unconsciously asked out loud, which caused everyone to look at him. Layla coughed.

"Ah, Lampo... the very reason I'm here..." she looked a bit annoyed for some reason. Then Lampo remembers Tsuna saying Layla was originally homeschooled and she didn't have to wake up early in the morning like Lampo always did. Come to think of it, Layla looked quite tired today; slightly dark circles were forming under her eyes.

"Layla, please introduce yourself so I can assign you to your seat" the teacher butted in just before Lampo was about to say something. The plump mans face gave away the fact that he was saying things along the lines of 'great, another delinquent...' in his mind.

Layla faces the class "hello, I'm Layla, last name not to be said for a reason. Please don't go near me if you only want to flirt, because I will do no such thing" 'I really need to spend less time with Mukuri-nee when she's doing the classy talk...' Layla made a mental note to stop attending parties which required Dante's presence when Mukuri is around. Some of the boys mumbled curses when she said she doesn't flirt with people 'hah...good for them...' Lampo mentally smirked.

"Uh...okay then Layla, since you and Lampo seem to know each other, you will sit next to him. Please get along" the teacher said. 'Oh joy...' Layla and Lampo thought in unison.


"Okay so what are you of all people doing here? I thought you were homeschooled?" Lampo asked Layla who was gathering her things. It was finally lunch break in their school.

"You have a problem with me being here?" Layla asked, raising an eyebrow at the green haired boy. They were the only two students in the classroom right now.

"No! Of course not! In fact I think you being here is great!" Lampo denied, waving his hands in the air in an 'I'm innocent!' kind of way. But he slapped his hand over his mouth when he realized what he had just said.

"Why would you say that?"

While Lampo was great full that what he said did not lead to awkward silence, he was also going 'how the hell am I supposed to answer that' in the inside of his head, so he said "well, I thought you hated me, so I thought this would lead to us know...friends?" Lampo noted the disappointment on her face when he had said that, but he could not ask for he wasn't sure that it wasn't his imagination. The disappointment was there on her face then gone the next millisecond.

"Temporary truce like last time?" Lampo held out his hand which Layla shook meaning they were least for a little while.

" you want to eat lunch with me?" Lampo asked. Layla thought for a second.

"As long as there aren't many people then sure, I'll eat lunch with you" she replied.


A few hours later it was finally time to go home for the day. While Lampo and Layla were eating lunch, a butler suddenly arrived and informed Lampo that Layla was to come home with him, because Tsuna and the other girls came over for lunch. So here they were, in the carriage on the way to the Vongola mansion.

After about 15 minutes of awkward silence in the carriage, they arrived at their destination. They quickly got out of the suffocating carriage with Lampo yelling "FRESH AIR!"
"Good noon!" came a voice near them; they turned around to see Ryoko and Knuckle walking towards them.

"Lampo! Layla! Hurry up! Taneshi made sushi! Better get your share before we eat it all up!" Ryoko yelled. Layla and Lampo quickened their pace.

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