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Kyoko glanced for the umpteenth time at the empty seat by the window, second row. Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto were absent during math class today. Where could they be?

Just then, she heard a knock on door, meaning someone was coming in. Either it was the science teacher, or Tsuna and the other guys. But who stepped in was neither of the two choices.

There stood three girls. There was an average height girl with short silver hair, a tall girl with messy shoulder length black hair and a short brunette with messy hair reaching her mid back. The three had something in-common; they were very beautiful even if their hair looked strange.

Her classmates (males) seemed to think the same thing judging by the blushes on their faces.

One of her classmates, a cute girl who always scored highest among girls on the tests stood up "excuse me, are you three from this class?" Nagi asked curiously.

The brunette nodded "yep! We may look different but we're from this class" she smiled warmly. But that smile seemed to be one of the biggest mistakes she ever made since it triggered this;

"What's your name cutie?" A boy asked

"Can I have your number?" And again

"Wanna go on a da-" the last boy was interrupted by a girl by the name of Kurokawa Hana.

"Don't you think it's strange that Hibari-San and Rokudo-San still aren't here to murder us for disturbing the peace and silence?" Hana said it loud, so that everyone could hear. The mere mention of the deadly duo's name's scared the daylights out of them.

The three sent her a look of thankfulness and Hana sent them a look that said 'you can thank me later'. Strange, it seemed Hana new the three. As the three sat down, Kyoko was confused; those were Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto's seats. Then it struck her, those three are Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto!

Man, was she slow.


"Tsuna-kun! Is that really you?" Kyoko asked the tired looking brunette. It was already dismissal.

"Hahi! Tsuna-sans looks changed miraculously overnight!" Haru exclaimed (Haru transferred to nami-middle).

"Hahaha....I don't really know what happened" Tsuna answered the auburn haired girl.

"Haha! So you guys could recognize us? Cool!" Yamamoto said, even as a girl she was still the tallest of them though she was a few inches shorter than her male version.

Nagi interrupted by asking "so what happened to you three?" When you get used to it, Akesaka Nagi shall be known as a woman full of questions and curiosity.

"As I said before, I don't really know" Tsuna laughed nervously, fearing that her answer might not be what Nagi wanted. Women are scary creatures after all.

"Personally..." Yamamoto started "we look kind of..."

"Really, really horrible" Gokudera finished for the raven haired girl. She soon regretted saying that when she felt a scary aura emitting from the girls, it was pink and sparkly and if you squint, you could see flowers. It was terrifying.

"We need to get you three a makeover and new clothes!" Kyoko and Haru squealed, Nagi looked like she was considering it and Hana was smirking. Gokudera, Yamamoto and Tsuna gulped and took a step away.

"Make a run for it!" Tsuna screamed, grabbing her bag and making a beeline for the door, Yamamoto and Gokudera followed suit. They still had there manly pride even if they were girls! They can't go into those girly places where girls get their hair and nails done!

After about 10 minutes of running away from Kyoko and the other bitc-uhh-girls, Tsuna and the other two ran into Dino in Namimori. Dino, mister I-am-a-clumsy-mafia-boss-that-is-supposed-to-be-in-Italy-but-instead-I'm-visiting-my-cute-student-again-and-you-can't-stop-me-MWAHAHAHA


Funnily enough they totally expected this.

Dino greeted them "yo,Tsuna" Tsuna didn't expect him to recognize them so easily "Reborn told me your supposed to have a meeting at your place on Saturday. All of your guardians have to be there." Tsuna cried anime tears.

"But don't worry, for Kyoya and Mukuro you just have to tell them about it, I'll make sure they are present on Saturday" Dino assured her, Gokudera and Tsuna signed in relief.

Yamamoto laughed "Dino-sans so nice!" He thanked Dino and went on to asking how Hibari and Mukuro where doing. Dino, being the fanboy tutor he is, started talking about the two (even though Mukuro wasn't his student, he helps in training).

"There they are!" Haru appeared out of nowhere.

"HIEE!" Tsuna shrieked again and ran. Again, Gokudera and Yamamoto followed, running as fast as they could.

"Get them!" Hana yelled and the girls started chasing them.

"That's going to be a long run" Dino laughed "good luck lil' sis!" He encouraged her cheerfully, his voice attracting some nearby school girls.

"Kyaa! He's so hot!" A girl screamed in a super annoying high pitched voice. All the girls snapped their heads towards Dino and before the handsome blond new it, the girls were slowly advancing towards him like a pack of wolves surrounding a helpless bunny.

Quickly making a run for it, he caught up with Tsuna and the others. Looking at their chasers from over their shoulders, he yelled "RUN LIKE HELL!"

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