Taneshi Yamamoto reborn

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Taneshi & Tsuna- 7 years old
Layla- 4 years old
Dante- 27 years old

"She's what?!" An angry voice seemed so loud in a quiet room. The person being yelled at backed away.

"I-I'm sorry, but y-your wife d-died while giving b-birth" the male doctor managed to say, mentally debating if he should start running or stay.

"And the child?" The mans voice was still angry, momentarily glancing at the small bundle in a nurses arms.

"I-it's a girl...she's healthy" the doctor stammered.

The man clenched his fist. 'That brat...' he thought '...that brat is the reason why she died!'

He went over and glared at the infant; who to his surprise didn't look affected in the slightest! She didn't even flinch! Completely unfazed!

'I miss my old man already...this guy will try and kill me at some point in my life, I know it.'


7 years later—

"COME BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!!" An angry father yelled. A young girl with short black hair and chocolate brown eyes was running away from her home, from her father as fast as she could, she had enough of it. 'Every day was the same' the girl—named Taneshi—thought.

Everyday her father would see her and hit her, kick her and scream at her and she finally decided to run as far as she could.

So that's what she did, and by pure luck she ran into her boss/best friend and a fellow guardian that were both very willing to help her.


It was two years after finding Layla that they found Taneshi, who apparently was running away from her abusive father, they found out that Taneshi's new mother unfortunately died in childbirth. Dante also managed to get the man behind bars for child abuse.

Tsuna wondered if everyone of her guardians suffered because of their parents. Looking back, Layla was thrown away like garbage, and now Taneshi had many cuts and bruises on her body.

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