Tsunahime Sawada reborn

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20 year old Dante Cavallone, boss of the Cavallone famiglia for six years, was taking a walk on a lovely October day. Today was usually cold to the point where he could see his breath, even if there wasn't any snow around. Adjusting his mahogany scarf so it would be warmer (he really didn't do well with the cold) he kept walking. Due to him being the boss of a quite huge famiglia, he didn't get to have many friends, thus he was taking a walk alone.

Spending his day off at a cafe would be lonely, so he decided to order something to go and just take a walk and admire the beauty of his hometown.

Running a gloved hand through his dark locks, he took a sip of his coffee. 'Ah, how nice it would be to have someone to talk to'.

That's right; he had no friends, or real friends for that matter. Everyone he knew (except for some of his subordinates of course) was on the run for his money and power. If money and power wasn't a person's personal goal,  then that person would be a female who thinks she knows what love is like when in reality she just likes him for his looks and nothing else.

He had considered adopting a child, but he was only one person! Even though he WOULD be allowed due to his position, he doubts he could take care of a child with all the work he has to do.

Deciding that he wanted to sit down for a while, he made his way to the nearest bench at the park, there seemed to be a lot of people here today, or maybe they were using the park as a quick shortcut?

In the midst of people hurrying to different places, Dante noticed a woman who went at a slower pace than the others. She was carrying a baby, a very young and cold looking baby who was obviously not treated well.

The child's clothes were meant to be worn on hot days for heaven's sake! Not this cold weather!

The woman stopped at the nearest bench she saw, which was the very bench Dante was walking over to. Without caring whether the baby was hurt or not, she carelessly dropped the baby on the hard cold bench.

She fucking dumped a child on a bench for fucks sake!

And left without sparing the baby another word or gesture. She actually looked HAPPY that the child was gone!

The nerve of that woman—

Dante stopped himself from saying any vulgarities but instead started running over to the bench where the baby was at to see if it was alright.

Immediately picking the infant up once it was in his reach, he checked it for injuries. Relief was what he felt when he found none.

He looked at the child's face, no doubt that this was a girl. The baby girl looked like she was struggling not to cry. Dante blamed the woman who left her.

Observing her more, she looked malnourished and the poor child was shivering!

Taking of his scarf, he wrapped it around the girls neck and started to run towards the carriage he arrived in. His men were still there thankfully, and it was a very good thing that the carriage was warm—at least warmer than the temperature outside.

The child clung to his shirt, seemingly to enjoy the warmth. For a few minutes, it was silent "you know your mother abandoned you" he started, looking at the small girl who looked sad, as if she understood what he was telling her.

"And she was a fool" he told her instantly upon seeing her sad face. The child blinked in surprise "children were meant to be loved by their parents" he tried explaining without success, as the child tilted her head to the side, not comprehending anything he was saying.

"Say" he started again after some moments of thinking "do you want to live with me?" He asked the small brunette, while in all honesty he thought he looked stupid (though he wouldn't care at all). The response he received was a baby who eagerly smiled and squealed, causing him to readjust his hold on her.

Children were such adorable bundles of energy.

"I ought to give you a name though...calling you 'you' or 'little one' wouldn't be proper at all" Dante said, rubbing his chin with his right hand while the left was holding the child, he then noticed the child looked Japanese. He had been learning that language for a while now and his Japanese was quite decent by this point in time.

"Akari?" He tried. The child stuck out her tongue at the name.

Funny, she almost looked as if she already named herself.

"Emiko?" He tried again.

Blank stare. She doesn't look like she liked the name either.

"Kaede?" He tried after passing a maple tree.

"Karin?" The girl shook her head.

"Kayoko?" Shake.

"Megumi?" Shake again.

"Rena?" The infant looked horrified! Was there anything wrong with the name? It only meant 'reborn'!

He paused for a while and thought really hard. Then an idea struck him.


"Tsuna?" He tried again. The baby seemed to like the name. He smiled victoriously "Tsuna it is then! Though, it's quite short....Tsunahime?" The baby—now known as Tsunahime, smiled.

Dante smiled as well.

He wouldn't be alone anymore.

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