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Louis POV

By the time I got fully dressed. Wearing a grey and cream coloured fleece with black skinny jeans, white adidas trainers and a black cap. I hear the scattering of paws across the marble flooring downstairs. Less than two seconds later, a little squeal and an 'oomph' sound was heard.

''Clifford you clumsy dog get off me!'' I hear El shriek. I'm guessing Eleanor brought Clifford's red lead out from the cupboard.

Clifford tends to jump at you in excitement when his eyes catch someone holding his lead. Excited for a walk.

I turn to face the shining full-length mirror. I looked small. Yes, I know I'm already small. But I mean smaller than usual.

Timid looking. I sign. Straightening my back so I wasn't hunched over. The nerves from the idea seeing the lads seem to have really gotten to me today. I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the fact that after years of nobody mentioning HIM. Today 2 people had almost said his name. I'd have to get accustomed to it too which sucks.

I give myself one last look in the mirror. Placing a small hand on the left side of my waist. I lift my fleece slightly and reveal a jagged scar. Eleanor would usually not let me dwell on it too much. But I seem to be in a thoughtful mood today.

I slowly run the end of my fingertip from once side of the scar to the other. Feeling the slight raised skin. I know I shouldn't be doing this right now, but I can't help it.

I remove my hand from my hourglass figure and rest it by my side again. I peel my eyes from the mark and back up to my face.

I was pale.

She can't know I feel this way. She'd be disappointed I'm letting him get to me that much.

I drop my eyes from the mirror and turn, walking towards the window. I remembered I must shut it before leaving the house. Even though it was on the first floor. Fans could get a little crazy.

I remember that time us boys where on holiday and Liam's swimming trunks were stolen by a fan. I remember he ended up running in on me Har-. No. I can't keep this up. I slightly smile subconsciously at the good memories coming back.

I always thought the good memories started to disappear but maybe it was me just pretending to forget.

That summer was the best I'd had. Having the life, I dreamed of. The career I dreamed of. The boyfriend I dreamed of. Yet it all got taken away from me.

A frown now clearly present as I snap myself out of my trance, pulling the white window handle and slamming the window shut rather aggressively. Eleanor would get mad at me for that later.

I huff. Back away from the window. The yellow warm light had left a couple hours as the sun was now high and bright in the sky. A little warmer than this morning now the cold night air was replaced by the hug of heat.

I hear more paws scatter downstairs and realise El must have been waiting for me, for like 10 minutes. I jog out the bedroom and down the staircase. There she was, gorgeous as ever. Holding both Bruce and Cliffs leads in her hands, one dog on each side of her.

''Well don't you look absolutely stunning for a dog walk'' I smirk as I reach the last step, planting a kiss on her plump, soft lips. I linger for a couple seconds before pulling away.

She whined as a result. ''Aren't you just the romantic? Now take Cliff, he tackled me earlier and got muddy paws on my grey leggings''.

''Your fault for wearing them in the first-place love, but as you went through such trauma! We can take my car'' I sassed back. She rolled her eyes but didn't decline.

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