lxxiv. the children of gabriel (6.03)

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None of you have long to process Rose's words before Clarke anxiously says, "Uh, guys..."

You all look over to her, following her gaze to the group of approaching adults, armed guards taking the lead. You and Bellamy quickly stand and he reminds the group, "Remember, we're in their home. Everyone keep calm."

Clarke glances at Raven, her gun still in her hand, and whispers, "Weapons down."

Raven puts her gun down on the ground, and all of you stand as still and non threatening as you can as you watch the guards approach. As soon as the guards with spears catch sight of you, they start to run your way, and you all lift your hands in surrender and call out, "It's okay! We're from Earth, we come in peace."

The guards form a semicircle around all of you, and a woman walks over to the unknown woman that your mom and the others brought with them. She grabs the captive woman softly, looking worried. "Kaylee, where have you been? Where's your family?"

The captive, Kaylee, turns and looks to your mom and Raven. "They killed them."

You glance back at your mom with questioning eyes, and she nods, confirming it's true. You turn back to the two women, catching the anger in their expressions, and you mutter, "Ah, shit."

Almost as soon as the words leave your mouth, the Universe makes things worse and Murphy starts to seize up, gasping for air. You all spin around to look at him in alarm as your mom yells, "No, not now, not now!"

You drop down to Murphy's other side, feeling responsible for his current predicament and his second near death experience in less than 12 hours. Maybe if you had been fast enough, had beaten Bellamy sooner, Murphy would be okay. You look up to the guards gathered around you and yell, "Help us, please! Our friend's dying!"

Murphy seizes for another second then goes completely still, and when your mom checks on him, she whispers in horror, "He's not breathing."

She immediately starts CPR, and as she does, someone nearby calls out, "Let me pass."

The crowd parts and a man steps into view, flanked by guards on either side. You don't need to know anything about this place to know that he is their leader, made obvious by the power that seems to follow him as he approaches. You can tell that the others are thinking the same thing, watching the man warily as he gets closer, dressed impeccably from head to toe. As soon as he's close enough, he turns to the guards. "Move them back."

The guards point their spears towards all of you, pushing you back and away, leaving Murphy on the ground alone. Your mom looks at the leader with anger. "What are you doing? He'll die!"

"You want my help or not?" At the mention of assistance, you all become compliant, moving away and giving the man the space he asked for. Bellamy walks over to you, coming to a stop beside you as the man drops to Murphy's side and lifts up his shirt. "He's already dead. Fortunately for him, death is not the end."

He calls out, "Cillian!"

A man, Cillian, materializes from the crowd, coming to stop beside his leader, who whispers, "He was exposed to the seaweed during the red sun. Do it."

Your brows come together, wondering what that means, and you exchange a look with both Clarke and Bellamy, both of them just as curious. The man kneels down beside Murphy and reaches into his bag, pulling out a snake. You all look at it in shock as the leader informs you, "We call it Kepa-She, it means hideous snake in Chinese."

Cillian holds the snake to Murphy's side, encouraging it to bite him, as you all watch on in horror. Clarke mutters, "Oh, my God."

The man looks up at her, expression understanding. "Trust me, I know, but the venom degrades too quickly to deliver it in any other form."

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