liii. god complex (4.08)

557 21 5

March 21st, 2150; Becca's Lab

Your radio call with Bellamy leaves you in a good mood for a few hours, but that it quickly vanishes with the arrival of the black rain and the questionable experimentation on Baylis. During your call with Bellamy, your mom gave Baylis a dose of Nightblood, and you all wait around a few hours to make sure it has time to integrate with his system. Once it does, everyone is called to the lab to watch the testing that may save the human race, as horrifying as it may be.

Which is where you are now, standing beside Clarke near the radiation tube. Everyone else is scattered around the lab but also watching closely. Baylis is strapped inside, hooked up to monitors, tubes and wires connected to his body in various locations. Jackson checks over Baylis one last time as your mom monitors the screens in front of her. "Vital signs are strong. Jackson, seal the chamber."

Jackson seals the chamber, his face blank of any emotion. "He's ready."

"Yeah, but are we?" You look over at Raven as she asks, her body rigid. Luna is near her, looking similarly upset. The air in the room is tense, nearly everyone opposed to what you're about to do. Some of you can forgive the questionable tactics if it means saving your people, and the human race, but some of you can't. You're conflicted, because as awful as Baylis seems to be, sticking someone into a tube and pumping radiation inside is an awful way to potentially die.

Emori, who seems okay with the decision, given what he did to her and her brother remind you all, "The guy's a monster."

Clarke, tired of the arguing, looks around the room at each of you. "We've been over this. None of us wants to do this, but the death wave will be here in 10 days. Luna's stem cells grafted successfully, and Baylis is making Nightblood on his own. This really is our only hope."

Murphy backs up both Clarke and Emori. "We really still talking about this? Black rain is already here, and 18 people died in it yesterday at Arkadia. If Nightblood can let us walk around in it, I, for one, want to know about that."

There's another moment of hesitation, before your mom speaks up. "Okay. Jackson, proceed."

"Copy that." He reaches for the controls for the chamber, slowly spinning a dial. "Initiating...500 REM."

All of you watch Baylis closely, and other than the changing lights in the chamber, his eyes are still closed, blissfully unaware of the radiation around him. Jackson moves the dial again, increasing the radiation. "850. This is where we'd see symptoms in a non-Nightblood."

You and Clarke move closer to the chamber, getting a better look, searching for any signs of redness or lesions as your mother calls out, "Blood pressure is 100 over 50. Body temp is 98.7. Resting comfortably."

And still, Baylis is unmoving, appearing exactly the same as when he was put inside the chamber. You tell your mom, "No visible effects."

Jackson turns the dial again, increasing it even higher. "1,000 REM....1,500."

"All good here."

"2,000 REM, the level of the black rain."

Clarke smiles from her place beside you, "Still nothing, it's working."

You see Roan on the other side of the chamber also smiling, as Jackson increases the radiation once more. "2,500."

The reaction is instantaneous. The machine in front of your mother starts to beep loudly, signaling a spike in Baylis' heartbeat. And as you and Clarke watch the man, red spots start to appear on his body, burns caused by the radiation. They spread over him quickly, some of them turning to lesions and Clarke yells, "Turn it off!"

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