liv. DNR (4.09)

642 19 6

March 25th, 2150; just outside of Polis

After the discovery of the bunker, things quickly become chaotic as planning for the survival of the human race picks up again. Meetings are held around the radio, discussing what tech and materials from Becca's lab need to be brought to the bunker, what materials need to come from Arkadia, and how to get nearly 400 Arkadians from Alpha Station to Polis in a timely manner. Kane decides to stay behind in Polis with the bunker, while Jaha and Monty go back to Arkadia to prepare the others to leave. On the Island, Raven, Murphy, and Emori stay behind to pack up everything you can't take on the first trip, while the rest of you head to Polis with the rover and the truck, taking as much stuff as you can in one trip.

Miller drives the truck, seated alongside Jackson, while your mom, Roan, and Clarke sit in the back amongst the tech and supplies. Luna hitches a ride from the island in the boat, but parts ways with all of you as soon as you reach the other side. You drive the rover by yourself, talking to Bellamy over the radio most of the way, both of you excited to see each other soon. Once he arrives in Polis with the rest of your people, you'll finally be reunited after five long days apart.

As the truck pulls to a stop in front of you, you stop the rover, watching as Jackson and Miller immediately jump out of the front and head towards Kane, who is standing near the entrance to the tunnels. The open back of the truck allows you to peer in, and Clarke and Roan start to stand, but your mother must say something to her, because Clarke lingers as Roan jumps out of the back and follows the others over to Kane. Your mom says something to Clarke, and her reaction is instant, her face pulling into a frown. Her eyes flash to you, and you reach for the door handle, sensing that something is wrong, before your mom's words upset Clarke even further and she turns back towards her with a look of shock.

Clarke jumps up and heads for the back of the truck, holding her hand up at you and telling you to stay put as she jumps out of the vehicle and jogs after Roan. Your mom scrambles out of the vehicle and follows her, trying to catch up, as you open the door to the rover slowly, sliding out of the vehicle as quietly as you can. You leave the door open in case you need to make a quick escape, and you creep towards the front of the truck, using the large vehicle as cover as you peer around it and look at the scene unfolding in front of you.

Roan stands halfway between your mom and Clarke, and halfway between the rest of the group, his sword drawn. Trikru guards come stalking out of the trees, heading towards the Ice King, as Roan holds out his sword and yells, "What is this?"

Kane yells back, "There doesn't have to be any violence."

Before the Trikru warriors even make it halfway to Roan, they are all hit with arrows that fly from the trees around them, killing them. Seconds later Azgeda warriors appear from the darkness, making a beeline for everyone in your group. Your eyes fall to Clarke, panicked, and she must sense your presence because she turns around and locks eyes with you, shaking her head once, and mouthing, "Run!"

Conflicted on what to do, but without a gun to help you, you watch as all your people are pulled to the ground and restrained. You watch on, working on a plan in your head when someone asks, "Where is Wanlida?"

Your breath stops in your throat and you don't wait for an answer before you take off running back towards the rover, thankful you left the door open and the vehicle running. You hop inside and immediately put it into reverse, as arrows whiz past, aimed for you, and your tires slide in the snow as you sharply turn the rover away from danger. You can hear more arrows dinging and bouncing off the back doors, but you're able to outdrive them easily, speeding away from them with reckless abandon.

Your hands are tight on the wheel as you speed towards Arkadia, checking the mirrors every few minutes, waiting to see any sign of Ice Nation warriors on your tail. Instead, you find nothing, giving you enough relief to frantically call Bellamy. "Bellamy, come in, do you copy?"

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