xxv. rubicon (2.12)

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Maya leaves you and Bellamy in the art storage room to pour over plans and schematics for the mountain, looking for the source of the acid fog.

You have only been looking them over for an hour or so when she bursts back into the room in a panic. "They're taking them again!"

You and Bellamy scramble to your feet and simultaneously ask, "What?"

"They're taking your friends again."


She shakes her head. "I don't know."

You look between her and Bellamy. "We have to find them. We have to go back."

Bellamy nods his agreement and so does Maya, so she leads you out of the art room and back to the dorm on level five. You all watch and wait quietly, and after a while, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. You all duck out of view and peer around the corner to watch as six guards and a woman in a lab coat file out of the elevator and head into the dorm.

They're only in there a few minutes before they drag one of the delinquents back out, kicking and screaming. As they step back into the elevator, you realize the doctor is the same one that did the intake for you and the Grounders. The same source of evil. A chill runs up your spine before Maya grabs you and Bellamy and pulls you over to the elevator.

You all watch the number above the elevator move from 5 to 4. You and Bellamy turn to Maya with expectant looks, but she shakes her head. You let out a frustrated huff before you both silently follow her back to the art room, where you finally feel safe enough to talk to each other. Bellamy turns towards your guide. "Where did they take them?"

"I don't know, that level is classified."

"We need to figure out how to get to them, Maya." She looks at you, heeding your words, before offering, "I think my boss has schematics for the vent system, we could start there."

When you both nod your agreement, she gestures to the door. "I'll be right back."

After she leaves, you and Bellamy look at each other, both silent, thinking. You feel your heart drop. "What are we going to do, Bellamy?"

He sighs, "I don't know, but we'll figure it out. We always do."

He reaches out for you and pulls you into a hug, and you revel in his comforting grasp before he whispers into your hair, "We should probably check in with Camp Jaha."

You pull away from him. "You're probably right."

He takes the radio from its hiding spot and starts to call into Camp Jaha. "Do you read me? Anybody there?"

There's a minute of silence before your twin's voice crackles through. "You're late. Every three hours means every three hours."

He turns to you with an annoyed look and you roll your eyes as he asks, "Are you through?"

You hear Maya come back in, a giant roll of paper in her hand. She comes to a stop beside you and you both roll out the schematics to take a look at the vent system. Clarke asks, "Have you found the source of the acid fog?"

"No. That's gonna have to wait."

Despite being miles apart, you can picture her annoyance already. Head shaking back and forth, face pulled into a scowl. "What? Nothing is more important than that."

"Our friends are. They've started taking them from the dorm one at a time every few hours."

Raven cuts in, "Taking them where?"

"We don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss, and we're trying to find a way in." He turns to look at Maya. "Anything?"

sub rosa (Bellamy Blake x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum