xx. long into an abyss (2.07)

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You're halfway between the Delinquent Camp and Camp Jaha when Bellamy glances over at you, looking around Lincoln's head. "You need to go get Clarke. We're gonna need her if we're going to figure out how to save Lincoln. Octavia and I will get him to the dropship."

"Okay." You shrug out from underneath Lincoln and Octavia takes your place, ready to carry him home. "Be safe."

"You too."

You turn from the siblings and break into a run, heading straight for Camp Jaha. It isn't long before you hear the sounds of the camp in the distance, and you slow to a walk, moving to walk parallel with the perimeter so you can sneak in the back way. You walk until you find the small break in the trees and then you duck through it and jog up the short path to the fence. You look around for a stick and toss it at the fence, relieved to find that it isn't electrified, before ducking inside and creeping from behind the buildings.

When you step into the camp, everyone is gathered in the center of it, looking towards the doors of Alpha Station. There your mother stands, with Jaha at her side, both of them looking tense. Your brows furrow as you watch the former chancellor, sure that the last time you heard his name it was because they were telling you that he was dead. "I have faith. And right now, given the alternative, that's good enough for me."

"Not for us." You turn when you hear her voice, eyes quickly scanning the crowd to find your twin. You catch her when she steps forward, closer to Jaha and your mother, Finn right beside her. Her voice rises angrily, "If we leave here, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?"

Leave here? Jaha's gaze locks on Clarke. "As your mother said, that is a very difficult decision to make. But the time has come for each and every one of us to ask, 'Is this how the story of our people ends? Did we come all this way just to die tomorrow?' Because if we're not gone by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen."

You shake your head in confusion, trying to make sense of what he's saying. The crowd murmurs, in fear or anticipation you're not sure, and you start to sneak towards your sister as your mom wraps up the meeting. "No decision has been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisor and gather emergency supplies."

Everyone starts to turn away, and you use the chaos and movement to make the final steps towards Clarke, reaching out and grabbing her arm. She spins quickly, shock and relief crossing her features. "Where have you been?"

"You need to come with me right now."

"Why? What's happened?"

You shake your head, "I'll explain on the way. Grab your med kit and meet me at Raven's gate."

She nods once and you turn away, ducking from the crowd and dropping your head to avoid eye contact with anyone who may be watching. You stop by the supply room on your way to Raven's gate, and slip inside unnoticed. You jog past the shelves of clothes and head straight for the rations, grabbing a few extra and stuffing them in your pack. You make a u-turn and head towards the locked up weapons, reaching out to grab the lock and inspect it. You smirk when you see it, easily breakable, and turn back to the shelves of supplies to find something to put pressure on the mechanism with. As you're searching, you hear the door slide open behind you, and you duck down, peering between the shelves to see who it is.

Your stomach flips when your eyes land on Shumway, who is heading over to the locked up weapons, keys jingling in his hand. You take a step back and duck down further, dropping from his view, but as your foot moves, you lightly bump the shelf beside you, rattling a can above your head. Shumway spins around, eyes landing right above you, and you hold your breath, praying he doesn't spot you. His brows pull together and he pulls out his pistol as he starts to walk towards you, searching. You pull out your knife, your gun tucked away inside your backpack and push yourself backwards, into the shadows, until your back touches the wall. Shumway draws closer and closer, and you know it's only a matter of seconds before he walks around the last shelf and comes face to face with you, clutching a knife and backed into a corner. Just as his boot crosses the line of the shelf, the door to the room slides open, and another guard steps inside.

sub rosa (Bellamy Blake x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon