xii. we are grounders, pt 1 (1.12)

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You run through the woods, leaves and branches reaching out to grab you, tearing at your skin and clothes. Up ahead you can see a head of golden hair, shining in the moonlight. You call out to her, desperate. "Clarke! Clarke, I'm right here! I'm behind you!"

She stops running and she turns, giving you a hard look. You stop dead in your tracks, forgetting the Grounders that were at your back just moments before. Clarke's expression slowly changes, mouth now pulling into a sinister smile. Her eyes shift behind you before sliding back to yours, and she mutters. "Got ya!"

When the hand touches your shoulder, you scream.

You practically fly out of the bed, sweating, breath coming out in quick gasps. You push your hand over your fluttering heart, telling yourself that it's not real. It's just a dream. It takes you a few minutes to calm down, but when you do, you are reminded of where you are and the nightmarish reality that you now exist in.

You know yourself well enough to know that sleep is not returning to you, so you look around the empty tent, find your boots and pull them on. As you step out into the night air, you look for the moon, finding it low in the sky. You walk through the camp, looking for a few familiar faces, smiling when you finally find one near the outside wall. Octavia looks up as you approach, and she smiles. "Hey sleepyhead."

"How long was I out for?"

"Only a few hours."

You nod, "Good. I was starting to worry I lost a day." You look around, watching as she swings a branch and tosses it onto a small structure, forming a roof. "What's going on?"

"Bellamy's got us working overtime to get the camp ready. Setting landmines, making foxholes." She looks over at a guard leaned up against a tree, fighting against his closing eyelids. "He's working us until we drop."

"I better chip in then." She shrugs, but you start lifting branches and adding them to her foxhole. She watches you closely, trying to get a read on you. You let out a quiet sigh and meet her eyes. "I'm okay, I promise. I just...freaked out at the idea of leaving Clarke to die. It was stupid and I put us all in danger. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me." A grin splits her face, and you know she's being genuine. You both start to work on the foxhole again when she adds, "Me, Jasper, and Raven are going back out in the morning to look for them, if you want to come."

"Of course."

You both exchange a smile and work in silence until Bellamy's voice approaches from behind. "Come on. These foxholes aren't gonna build themselves." You watch as he walks past you, heading for Raven and Jasper. "Better hope those landmines work. All the gunpowder we're wasting, we could be making more grenades."

Raven quips over her shoulder, "You want to come over here and test one?"

"Cute." You don't need to be looking at him to know he's rolling his eyes and tossing her a glare. "I need this entire section mined by morning. Then you finish the south field."

He turns, and she jumps up from her spot. "Hey!" She closes the space between them, voice dropping. "I told you, we're going after Finn, Clarke, and Monty in the morning."

"And I told you, nobody leaves this camp."

You pause, watching as he turns away from her again. Raven's voice rises. "I'm talking to you! We can't just abandon our people. You want to lead them, show them you give a damn."

Bellamy is cut off by a gunshot from somewhere behind you. You and Octavia instinctively duck, and when you turn, you see the sleepy guard from before standing and looking around confused. Bellamy bears down on him in seconds. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

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