10. Slimey Slytherins

Comenzar desde el principio

"I don't get why you care about the OWLs that much, to do a boring ministry job." He says in a huff.

"So you are calling me boring then?" I ask him.

"No love you are far from it, you are better than any ministry job that's what I'm trying to say." He holds both of my hands in his and looks down at me with his brown eyes, that I could just melt into.

"Some times you can be adorable" I say and start yawning.

"It sounds like someone needs to go to sleep."

"I do indeed." We walk up the stairs until we have to go our different ways.

"Goodnight, y/n, I love you." He pecks my lips

"Goodnight, Freddie, I love you too," I say I then open the door quietly, quickly change into pyjamas as place my bag next to my bag and get into bed and snuggle into the sheets I was so happy, everything seemed to good to be true.

I fall asleep after a while of laying in my bed.

I wake up in the morning and the girls start waking up too and we all get ready and head to breakfast, as we walked into the hall all the tables had students on apart from Slytherin.

"Fred, George and Lee?" Melody asks.

"Of course." Angelina, Alicia and I reply at the same time.

"What did they do?" Alicia asks.

"Wait and see." I tell them all as we sit down and I see Hermione, Harry and Ron in a conversation.

I load my plate up with food and fill a glass up with pumpkin juice, and start to eat and drink when I hear laughing coming from other students I turn around to the doors of the great hall and see several Slytherins covered in slime on of which was my older brother which made me laugh even more.

"They look so angry." Melody says, "was this their doing?" She asks talking about the twins and Lee.

"Yes it was it's better than they even described." I start laughing.

Other students from other houses started walking in and were all laughing at them then we see the boys walk through laughing very heavily.

More slime soaked Slytherins keep walking up to the hall which made everyone laugh even more, did they get every Slytherin in the school if so I think this has to be the biggest prank yet.

"Well done." I congratulate the three boys, "best one yet." I tell them.

"Took a lot of planning shame you couldn't join us y/n." Lee says.

"Well done of us are focused on our OWLs." I tell him.

"What lessons do we have today?" George asks the table.

"Double Ancient Runes with Ravenclaw, double study hall, lunch, potions with Ravenclaw then herbology with Hufflepuff." I tell them all.

"I suppose we should go to ancient runes then" Angelina says we all get up and start walking realising that Slytherins table was still empty and nothing had been touched from it.

——— time skip ———

"That double lesson will always kill me." I say as we walk down the corridor to the great hall.

"Honestly, it can be tiring listening for two hours." Jack says.

"I can barely pay attention for 20 minutes." Fred says.

"Don't I know it, you poke me, play with my hair and try annoying me for the other 1 hour and 30 minutes." I tell him.

"You give in after an hour and talk to me about other stuff." He says.

"Because you don't stop." I say laughing.

We all arrive at the great hall and pull out essays and extra work that needs to be done, which for me isn't too much as I finished most of it last night and I don't want work for the half term.

As the second of the lessons finished I quickly took my stuff to my dorm with the others then raced back down for lunch.

Everyone was still talking about the incident with the Slytherins and people were wondering who done it, was it not obvious?

The day goes by and it's soon the evening again as it got closer to going home the more nervous I got and the less sleep I was getting I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want to trouble them with my problems.

We all went to bed and I really couldn't sleep so I decided to sneak into the boys room, and get into Fred's bed for a cuddle, they always made me feel better.

I pull the duvet up which woke him up.

"Y/n?" He asked

"Yeah?" I whisper back to him.

"What's up?" He says looking a bit more awake

"I couldn't sleep and your cuddles always make me feel better." I tell him, he then shuffles up to the other side of the bed and let's me get under the duvet.

Fred had no top on, never seen that before but there was a first time for everything.

He wraps his arms round me and we both fall asleep, him before me as I could hear his faint snores.

I wake up in the morning and yawn the other boys all look at me and Fred.

"Didn't realise you lived in here." Lee says.

"When did you actually come in here because I swear you wasn't here last night when we went to be." Jack says.

"I couldn't sleep so I came and got cuddles from Fred." I tell them.

"I hope you didn't-" before George can say anything else.

"No it didn't she couldn't sleep." Fred said cutting him off.

"Right I'm going to get ready," I say as I kiss Fred's forehead.

I walk from the boys dorm to mine and all the girls look at me.

"Where have you been?" Angelina asks.

"Stayed in the boys dorm with Fred because I couldn't sleep last night." I tell them.

"Oooo." They all say.

"Not like that, why do I always get teased what about Melody?" I ask them

They shrug their shoulders at me as we all get ready for the day a head.


More of a filler chapter than anything there will be some drama in the next chapter or two.

Any ideas just comment.

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