9. Unwelcome

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Hermione walked into the small clearing of the forest with a smile on her face, that quickly vanished as she was swept away by a group of girls. They began whispering their ooh's and awe's of her fight.

Fred watched her go chuckling, and approached a group of guys standing near a water cooler. They were all in varying degrees of outdoor clothes. Neville in particular was wearing a pair of pants with a lot of zippers on them.

"So...how was the sex?" Theodore nudged Fred as he was bending over to grab a bottle of water.

"Couldn't tell ya." Fred shrugged, standing up to down half the water in one go.

"You mean to tell me? Granger over there literally attacks a girl for touching you, and you two didn't have wild jealousy sex?" Terry Boot butted in, looking at Fred like he had grown an extra set of hands.

"No." Fred shrugged, capping his water bottle and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"But..but.." Seamus stuttered out, til Draco stepped in.

"Like you lot are already bedding your partners." Draco commented, and immediately they all flushed looking down at their feet.

"I know for a fact, more than half of you sleep on the couch." Draco continued, and Seamus looked up to glare at the blonde.

"And! I know for a fact, half of you haven't even had a decent conversation with your partner." Draco finished, stuffing his hands in his pockets triumphantly.

"Alright! Alright! We just thought if any of us was getting some, it'd at least be Fred." Dean argued, and Fred raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"Why me?" Fred questioned, he didn't feel like him and Hermione were any closer than any of the other couples. If anything they had about double the amount of issues between themselves then any other couple. 

"Well you've known each other for bloody forever." Seamus quipped, rolling his eyes. 

"You've got to know practically everything about each other." Terry added, shrugging his shoulders. 

"You look like you two have chemistry." Theodore nodded, taking half a step toward Draco. 

"Wait, you are telling me you haven't even kissed the girl?" Dean asked, the shock evident on his face. 

All the men gasped as Fred shook his head, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"Well you might want to get on it mate." Draco added, the realization dawning on him like a pound of bricks.

"I've got time...what does it matter to you lot anyway?" Fred countered, staring at the rest confused. He knew his and Hermione's relationship was by far the most controversial, but he did not feel as if he deserved this amount of criticism for how much space and time he was giving Hermione. 

"You know why we're all here right?" Seamus asked, moving from one foot to the other nervously. 

"Yeah, it's a couples retreat thing for the bloody-" Fred began, but Theodore placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

"He meant why were in the middle of the fucking forest." Theodore supplied, Fred shook his head and Terry's eyes went wide.

"It's a welcome party." Terry added, but Fred just shook his head confused.

"Your brother, or otherwise known as Hermione's ex is here with his match." Dean said, and Fred's water bottle slipped from his hand.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

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