11. Fractured Ribs

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Fred filled his siblings, and Harry of course, in on their last week or so at the cabin. Telling them the horror stories of group dinners, as well as going into a considerate amount of detail about Hermione's fist fight with Susan.

Hermione denied all the accusations ten fold, blushing as George called her out on it, and found herself leaning into Fred as she did so. Covering her face with her hands as everyone roared with laughter.

It was a knock on the door, that had the five of them freezing in place.

"We aren't suppose to be here." Harry stage whispered, gesturing to the three of them.

"Hide in the bedroom!" Fred rushed out, standing up to shove George towards the door.

Hermione hurried towards the front door, pausing in front of it. She turned and waited as Fred stowed the three mugs in the oven. He turned and leaned against it, before shooting her a thumbs up.

Hermione pulled the door open, and found Ron grinning smugly at her. His face fell quickly as he spotter Fred over her shoulder. 

"What are you doing Ron?" Hermione asked, keeping one hand firm on the front door handle in case she needed to slam it in his face. She had every intention of doing so if given the chance. 

"Came to talk to you." Ron shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.

Hermione felt Fred before he even spoke a word. He came to a stop right behind her, one hand going up to settle high on the door frame the other settling on her waist. His front was flushed with her back, and Hermione felt the back of her neck flush with their closeness. 

"We're a bit busy." Fred said evenly, tightening his fingers on Hermione's waist, but Hermione shook him off.

"I can tell." Ron seethed, his eyes darting down to Fred's bare legs. "I just want to talk Mione." Ron sighed, flicking his eyes to Hermione. He seemed to send a silent message, one that Fred couldn't read. 

"Not here." Hermione said at once, and Fred nearly tore himself off of her. She felt his presence fade away nearly as quickly as she had felt it arrive.

"A walk then?" Ron asked, not bothering to hide his smirk at all. It caused Hermione's stomach to flip, but she nodded.

"I'll grab my shoes, you wait here." Hermione shut the door, wishing she could slam it, and turned to find Fred sitting on the couch, glaring at the fireplace. 

"I don't want you to go on a walk with him." Fred said at once, glancing up as Hermione dug a pair of shoes out of the coat closest.

"Maybe he's going to apologize." Hermione said quietly, unable to find the courage in herself to glance over at him. 

Rationally, she knew she shouldn't leave the cabin. She should stay and enjoy sitting around drinking, and talking to the others. But something about Ron's eyes. The way he had pleaded with her without uttering a sound had her scrambling to follow him into the forest. 

"Maybe he's going to beg for forgiveness." Fred snapped, and Hermione stilled. 

Fred fully expected her to walk out their front door, and simply fall into Ron's arms. To completely ignore all the pain he had caused in her life. To simply erase it away, forget about Fred's confession and let Ron drag her by her heart strings forever. It was a heavy accusation Fred was pushing, but Hermione could see a little sliver of truth in it. 

If Ron begged for her forgiveness, and explained things in a way in which she could understand. She couldn't promise she wouldn't fall. 

"Maybe, you don't control me." Hermione snapped, yanking a sweater off of a hanger and tugging it over her head. Not bothering to see if it matched with her shorts. She needed out of the cabin, she felt like she was suffocating suddenly. 

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