46. It's Weasley

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Fred smiled into the kitchen sink, choosing to wash the many dirtied mugs by hand. Floating through the air was the sound of Sulien giggling while Hermione washed his feet in the bathtub. Scrubbing away the dirty and grime that had built between his toes. He could hear Hermione's delightful chatter, as she bathed him. Explaining the different soaps and potions she was using, then her laughter as Sulien made some quirk of a question. 

After the dishes were done, Fred set about cutting up all the produce he was able to scavenge from the garden. He whistled a low tune, dumping the vegetables in a pan to cook them. Waving his wand to clean the dishes he was using as he went, summoning bread from a basket from his mother. 

She had been delighted over Sulien's love of her baking, and scavenged her own pantry for any odds and bits he might enjoy. 

When he turned around, to set the food on the table he was surprised to see Sulien already sitting at the table. Dressed in what looked to be one of his old tee shirts, a pair of his boxers that reached the small boys knobby knees. 

He looked strangely a lot like Harry did when he first met the scrawny boy. All limbs, and knobs and sharp edges. 

"What's that?" Sulien reached forward, pointing at the pan in Fred's hands. 

"Just vegetables from the garden." Fred shrugged, sliding it onto the table. He gently batted Sulien's hand from the hot pan, and instead scooped a heavy portion onto a tin plate for him. 

"We have um water.." Fred listed, pulling open the refrigerator. "And grape juice." Fred pulled away, glancing back at the boy. 

Sulien twirled his tin cup, before thrusting it out at Fred. "Can I have the grape juice?" Sulien asked, Fred grinned capturing the cup in his hand. 

"Of course." Fred smiled, handing the cup back. Sulien smiled, taking a small sip before leaning back in his chair. 

 "Are you not going to eat?" Fred asked concerned, preparing his and Hermione's plates. He conjured a chair out of the coat rack, before taking a seat. 

"I will wait for Hermione." Sulien said kindly. Folding his hands on his lap. Fred was baffled by his politeness, and slowly turned to gaze up at the door of their bedroom. It was propped open, and he could hear Hermione humming as she cleaned up after Sulien's bathing. 

It was an odd sound, he wasn't sure he had ever heard her hum so contently. 

"Then we both shall wait." Fred agreed, preparing two cups of tea with the wave of his hand. He set one before Hermione's plate, and brought his up to his lips just as Hermione came strolling out of the bedroom. 

"You both waited?" Hermione stopped just short of the table, looking at the two boys in amazement. 

"Food taste best when eaten together." Sulien shrugged, as if this was the most basic thing. Hermione studied him for a moment, before flicking her gaze to Fred whom she was startled to see was smiling broadly at Sulien. Clearly pleased with his answer. 

"I see." Hermione stated, taking a seat across the table from Fred. Sulien sat just left of her, and right of Fred at the head of the table. "Let's eat then!" She smiled, and with a blink of an eye Sulien was shoveling a forkful of sauteed vegetables into his mouth. As if he had been dying for the permission to be granted to him. 

Hermione watched, biting her tongue as the small boy groaned in satisification before flashing Fred the cheesiest thumbs up she had ever seen. 

"It's good?" Fred asked, poking at a carrot with his fork. It was a rather pitiful meal, but they hadn't the time of day to go wandering down to the market. So it was garden, and his mother kindness for now. 

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