24. Crimson

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-Tw: for intended r*pe scenes and actions-

Fred felt a little uneasy splitting from his family at the airport. They had gone through wizard customs, glamorized to not be noticed by the muggle eye. They were then guided to floo networks, and apprapration points in which they could disappear from sight.

"Be safe." Fred's mother whispered in his ear, kissed his cheek then followed his father towards a fireplace.

Fred turned on his heel, nodded to his brother who was holding on to Angelina tightly as they talked to a set of guards near a fireplace.

Fred followed Harry and Ron to a wall where they could appraprate safely. They didn't breathe a word, and as if on cue they each snapped with a small puff of smoke.

Harry was the only one who didn't stumble when they landed in the side yard of the quaint home Hermione's parents had been living in. He had been here before, but it still felt off putting as he gazed up at the baby blue exterior.

"Reckon we knock?" Ron asked, gesturing towards the front door they just walked up to.

"Shall we just barge in and interrupt their breakfast instead?" Fred quipped, pointing at a doorbell situated on the wall.

Harry sighed at the brotherly banter, and slammed his thumb against the small button. They heard it faintly ring around the house, and waited for the thumping of footsteps.

But they never came. Growing a little impatient, Fred rang it again and still no footsteps.

"Shall we break in?" Ron whispered, as if the neighbors could hear them.

"That's illegal." Harry pointed out, then he began walking around the house.

Fred followed him through the side yard until they came around the back of the house. They rounded a large, blue tiled pool til they happened across a sliding glass door. Harry slid it open silently, stepping into the house.

"Maybe they aren't home?" Fred questioned, stepping in after him.

"Their cars are in the driveway." Ron pointed out, and Harry tilted his nose in the air unpleasantly. Something smelled horrific, which was very unlike the Granger's.

"A walk perhaps?" Fred tried, taking the lead towards what he assume was a large sitting area.

"It's like seven in the morning." Ron countered, reaching up to plug his nose as the stench got stronger.

Harry stopped by a hall closet, trying to pin point where he had smelled that tangy metallic smell before. It was entirely familiar, yet Harry couldn't help but feel uneasy with it. It slowly dawned on him, but it was to late to warn the brothers.

"Or maybe-" Fred began, scanning the bookshelves that lined the living room, his eyes roaming over copies of books, then he was interrupted by Ron.

"Oh my Merlin." Ron breathed, his stomach flipped and all ounces of breakfast threatened to spill.

Fred moved his gaze from the books to Ron. He found him staring at a spot on the floor around the back of the couch, whatever it was was hidden from view.

"What is it?" Fred asked, he stepped closer to him keeping his eyes trained on his brothers face, but Ron didn't even hardly breathe.

"Wait Fred no." Harry breathed, rushing forward but Fred ignored him.

Fred turned, the stench hitting him all at once to find two bodies collapsed on the floor surrounded by a dark sticky pile of dried blood.

"Is that.." Fred trailed off, afraid to even say their names. It was impossible. How long had they been there?

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