34. Shiny

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-mentions of "killing yourself" throughout the chapter. No mentions of self harm.-

Molly sighed into the early morning air as she heard the distinct sound of the children's bathroom shower running. She hadn't the faintest clue who found it rational to take a shower at this ungodly hour, but she intended to find out. 

Fear clawed it's way in her chest as she suddenly realized that it might be Hermione. Burning herself at her weakest point, she wouldn't survive it. 

Molly abandoned her slippers, and hurried out of her bedroom. She raced across the hall, noticing the twin's bedroom door shut and slammed her hand on the bathroom handle. She threw it open, to the point where the handle stuck into the plaster with a sharp thunk. 

Charlie stood outside the shower, one arm stuck under the spray of the shower head with a frown on his face. 

"It doesn't make sense Mum." Charlie whispered, beckoning his mother forward. He had heard her pounding footsteps from the moment she had risen from bed. 

"What doesn't make sense? What are you doing Charlie, it's only five in the morning." Molly huffed, tightening her shawl around her body as she shuffled over to stand by her son's side. 

"Feel the water." Charlie sighed, stepping back so his mother could reach out a stiff hand and feel the spray of water. 

"It's hot Charlie." Molly sighed, failing to see just what Charlie was attempting to prove to her. 

"But not unbearably so, and not to the point of burning your skin off." Charlie pointed out, always one to cut to the chase on things. Molly backed away slowly, her wet hand rising to press against her mouth. 

"You are saying.." Molly trailed off, gazing worriedly at her son. Charlie turned away from her, reaching his hand under the water again and found it the same hot temperature. It wasn't enjoyable, and would make his skin pink if he were to shower in it but it wouldn't give him blisters. It wouldn't nearly kill him. 

With the wave of his hand the water shut off, and he dried his hand on his pajama bottoms. 

"I'm not sure what I'm saying, let's not assume." Charlie raised his hands in uncertainty, and Molly reached forward quickly to grasp them in her own. 

"She didn't try and-" Molly cut herself off with a small cry, burrowing her face in his chest she let herself cry a few simple tears before pulling away. 

"I don't think so Mum, that's not like her." Charlie whispered, rocking his mother back and forth gently. He looked up to see George had appeared in the doorway, his face set hard with deep bags of restless sleep under his eyes. 

"I don't think she did, I think there is something else going on." George voiced, Molly spun around quickly to gaze at her other son. 

"Like what George?" Charlie sighed, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. He was entirely confused, exhausted and at wits end with trying to forge a solution. 

"Foul play. An attack. We should go by their house and check it out." George insisted, refusing to believe anything else. This wasn't Hermione's fault, he was sure of it. 

"You stay, I'll go." Charlie sighed, he pushed his mother away to step out of the bathroom in search of his shoes. 

"Be careful Charlie." Molly whispered after him, grabbing onto George for support. 

"Always am." Charlie winked at his mother, and slipped down the staircase. He could use a little night time jog, it had been ages. 

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