8. Fight Club

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"Cho Chang." Hermione leaned on her tip-toes, whispering right in Fred's ear causing goosebumps to fly down his arms. He glanced around, noticing the dozen of sets of eyes on him and smiled to himself. He turned towards Hermione, sliding his hand around her waist to keep her next to him. Two could play this game. 

"No." Fred whispered back, pressing his lips against her ear. He pulled away, bringing his glass of water to his lips and floated away from her to approach Neville who was being cornered by Seamus.

Hermione was left standing in the center of the room with a frown on her face, she had been sure it was Cho. It had made sense, logically in her mind but Fred had denied it.

Hermione attempted to slip off to her secluded corner, but was brought to a stop by a hand to her shoulder.

"Blaise!" Hermione said surprised, stopping near a bookshelf as Blaise stood in front of her. Effectively trapping her into a conversation with the Slytherin.

"Granger, how are you? I feel like we haven't had an opportunity to catch up." Blaise grinned at her, a sneaky sort of grin that caused Hermione's toes to curl.

"I'm alright, and you?" She asked, but Blaise seemed to think her question was a waste of time and pressed closer. His question dancing on his lips.

"So you and Fred huh? Can't say I didn't see this one coming a mile away." Blaise asked, and Hermione furrowed her eyebrows at him. What was it his business anyway? Also, she was under the impression that no one had seen this relationship coming a mile away. 

"Hermione! There you are! Fred is looking for you." Hermione was pulled out of her close encounters with Blaise by Draco, who pulled her tight against him and began dragging her away. Shooting glares over his shoulder to Blaise.

"Some of us just never change." Draco grumbled under his breath, dragging Hermione across the room.

"What?" Hermione forced herself to ask, struggling to keep up with the blonde.

"Go get your man." Draco shoved her forward, Hermione stumbled a few steps before she looked up and saw Susan had Fred trapped in a very similar fashion. Though Susan was actually touching Fred, dragging her disgusting manicured hand down his arm. Hermione, with an unfamiliar sensation in her stomach rushed forward. Not giving herself time to see Fred's very disturbed face, and his own attempts to shake the girl off. Hermione was solely focused on Susan. 

Without thinking about it, she was pushing Susan away as hard as she could. Susan stumbled a few feet, but was caught by a startled Dean who quickly let go of her once he saw Hermione's anger fueled eyes. He stepped away, quickly realizing this was not his fight and Padma grabbed his hand, pulling him in close. It was the first time the two had touched each other.

"Hermione-" Fred started, reaching out for her, Hermione turned stretching her hand to him but Susan beat him to it. Susan jumped at Hermione, until they both slammed to the ground. A tangle of limbs crashing to the wood floor.

"You bitch." Susan snarled, dragging her hand through Hermione's hair she grabbed a fistful and yanked. Hermione let out a loud cry, capturing the attention of the other couples and without the two girls noticing, a circle had formed around them. It was like a grade school yard fight.

Hermione reached up, clawing at Susan's face with a blind rage and they rolled. Blood appearing on Susan's face, while Hermione's hair was yanked until a good chunk ripped out. Hermione was desperate for her wand in that moment, she wanted to hex Susan across the room.

"You don't deserve him." Susan hissed, and Hermione let out a short laugh flipping them over until Hermione was on top. Without thinking about it, she swung connecting her fist with Susan's face. Hermione didn't give herself time to be shocked, swinging again but missing as Susan shoved at her. 

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