"Are You Gay"

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Pairing(s): Drarry, Wolfstar

A/N: This idea was given by mjohn563 on my Wolfstar Oneshot book. Just for context, Remus and Sirius got married before Halloween 1981 and are still married.

3rd Person POV:

"He is really back...", the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, as he sees Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic with his Deatheaters, who disappear within a second.

Harry is on the floor, exhausted due to his fight with Voldemort.

As Dumbledore and Fudge talk about everything, the children and the Order of the Pheonix gather together. Luckily, no one was killed, with Sirius narrowly missing a spell by Bellatrix that would have pushed him through the Veil into the Afterlife.

Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Ginny were taken back home by Tonks, while the other Order members followed behind, leaving Remus and Sirius with Harry.

Sirius kneels down next to Harry and asks, "Hey Harry, how are you?"

Harry sits up on the floor and replies, "I-I don't know. I'm so sorry about this, I should have just contacted you instead of depending on Kreacher's answer."

"None of this is your fault, Harry. Your life is a minefield and no one blames you for anything. Everyone is safe thanks to you. Let's just go home, okay?", Remus says. Harry nods in agreement, getting up off the floor with Sirius' help, who then disapparates them back to the Black-Lupin house.

Once they arrive, Harry goes upstairs to take a shower. Sirius flops on the couch while Remus goes into the kitchen to start dinner. While the water is boiling, Remus comes out of the kitchen, stands in front of the couch, pulls Sirius to himself, and kisses him.

Sirius is surprised when he gets the taste of salt on his lip and realizes that Remus is crying.

Alarmed, Sirius breaks the kiss and asks, "Rem, why are you crying?"

"I- I thought I would lose you all over again, and I don't think I could survive that," Remus explains, tears rolling down his face.

Sirius uses his thumb to wipe away Remus' tears and says, "Love, I am not going anywhere. I'll always be here with you, forever."

Remus smiles and hugs him, before pulling his husband into the kitchen to help him with dinner.

Harry comes downstairs, hair slightly wet and looking a lot better than he was when they entered the house. Remus and Sirius had just finished making dinner.

"Hey Harry, how are you feeling?", Remus asks.

"Better. Can we eat?", Harry replies.

Sirius nods as they sit around the dining table with their food in front of them. The three start talking about everything, from Hogwarts to almost dying at the Ministry.

"Man, I really hate the Malfoys," Sirius says.

"Same. Lucius really gets on my nerves," Remus adds with spite in his voice.

"I don't know, I think Draco's pretty cool and beautiful," Harry says, mumbling the last part.

However, Sirius and Remus both hear it. They look at each other with knowing glances as Sirius asks, "Harry, do you fancy him? Are you gay?"

Harry's eyes go wide when he realizes they heard him and instantly covers his red face with his hands. "Maybe," he answers, his hands muffling his words.

Calmly, Remus places his hand on Harry's shoulder and says, "Harry, you don't have to hide this or anything from us, okay? Sirius and I are literally married."

Harry uncovers his face and replies, "Yeah I am gay. I think I have known for a while but it was never my priority with everything else going on. I knew you guys would be fine with that but it was my, uh, crush on Draco that I needed to keep hidden."

Everyone is silent for 10 seconds, Remus and Sirius intently staring at Harry. Then, Sirius stands up and walks towards Harry, flicking him on the forehead.

"Ow!", Harry exclaims surprised. "What was that for?"

"That was for ever thinking that your self-realizations and self-discoveries were inferior to everything else. Prongslette, take how much ever time you need to find yourself, saving the world can wait," Sirius explains.

"But everything and everyone is depending on me, I can't let them down!"

"Har, you could never let us or anyone down. You have been saving us since you were a tiny baby, you have a right to do what you want. Don't ignore yourself for everyone because that's so dangerous," Remus adds.

Sirius nods in agreement. "Also, you don't have to hide your feelings for Draco. He is a half Black and we tend to have a very hypnotizing effect on people," Sirius says, flipping his hair.

Remus groaned while Harry laughed. "I don't want to agree to that but I have to. I literally married him," Remus says. Sirius excitedly smiles, hugging Remus from behind.

"So you guys aren't mad?", Harry asks cautiously.

"Nope, but..." Sirius says. The husbands exchange mischievous glances, like the ones they had when they pulled successfully pranks as the Marauders at Hogwarts.

Harry notices these glances and realizes something is going to happen. "No, whatever you guys are planning, no-"

Harry is stopped mid-sentence when Sirius pulls his chair back and Remus stands up, carrying Harry in his arms, firmly dropping him on the couch.

"Now, tell us everything about these feelings for Draco," Remus says.

"No missing details and you can't get out of this," Sirius adds.

Sighing but smiling, Harry explains everything about how he feels about Draco, when it all started, and he thinks he may not regret this.

But he forgets that he is talking to Padfoot and Moony.

For the rest of time, Remus and Sirius spare no opportunity to tease Harry about his gigantic crush on "amazing, beautiful, perfect Draco Malfoy."

Obviously, this teasing continues even after Harry and Draco are married.

A/N: Hey guys! This idea was actually really fun to write. 

On a side note, I love your comments and they are always hilarious to read. They are really motivating and I want to thank you all for everything :)

I don't know if you'll for me again until next year, so Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! This is to a way better 2021!

Bye Potterheads and Wolfstar Lovers,
Until Next Time,


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