Finding Out

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Pairing(s): Wolfstar and Drarry

A/N: This was suggested by livia_mariee. I honestly love this idea.

3rd Person POV:

Halloween night, 1981.

A day of both joy and utter sadness.

A day filled with the loss of both good and bad.

Voldemort had caused the deaths of James and Lily, a couple that was so happy with their one-year-old son Harry, but the family was abruptly torn apart.

When Voldemort tried to kill their son, he failed as the spell bounced off him and was cast onto Voldemort instead, causing his much-wanted demise.

Harry had been taken in by his godfather, Sirius, and his husband, Remus. Since that fateful day, the three were family, together for everything from the most heartbreaking sadnesses to the most wondrous happiness.

Sirius hated his family, that is no secret. However, there were two members of his family (apart from Regulus who was, unfortunately, one of the countless victims of the war) who he liked and still kept in touch with, purely because they were not death eaters.

One is his cousin Andromeda, who is married to a muggle named Ted (lovely guy really). The other is his cousin Narcissa, who is married to Lucius Malfoy. For a long time, everyone thought the Malfoys were death eaters but it turned out they were one of the few Sacred 28 families that weren't crazy about Voldemort's plans.

Once Voldemort was no more and all the death eaters were put behind bars, the three cousins met and talked for hours, relieved to be able to live without the threat of their lives falling apart at any second.

It took a lot of time for Remus and Sirius to get over their so-called best friend's betrayal and the deaths of their dearest friends. Nightmares and tears were not uncommon in the household. Baby Harry was confused as to why his "mama" and "papa" were nowhere to be seen. He would scream or cry for them but after a few days, once he realized that they weren't coming, he stopped and was instead content with his gay uncles.

Sirius and Remus raised Harry surrounded by magic and memories. Old memories of their fun tight-knit group, of his parents, of the marauders and their legacy. New memories of love, of pranks, played on an unsuspecting Remus, of quidditch and a life worth living.

They made sure to tell Harry about his parents so that he knew that they were brave people and Harry loved them for it.

When Harry was 7, Remus Lupin opened a center for people to come to for relaxation, whenever they wanted an escape. It was one of the very very few establishments also open for magical creatures. He even coached kids on Defence Against the Dark Arts. It has an instant success and everyone loved it, it soon became a favorite amongst the students of Hogwarts who would visit the center during their Hogsmeade trips.

Sirius Lupin, on the other hand, was a healer at St. Mungo's and made sure that no one was denied treatment at the hospital, regardless of any differences (unless they were death eaters of course).

The Lupins, the Malfoys, and the Tonks were close and so were their children. Draco Malfoy and Harry were the same age while Nymphadora ("call me Tonks!") was 13 years older than them. This caused Draco and Harry to be a lot closer to each other than to Tonks.

At Hogwarts, Harry and Draco were sorted into Gryffindor and Slytherin respectively. Even though they were opposing houses, they remained best friends. Harry made two other best friends; Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

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