I am gay!

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Pairing(s): Wolfstar, Drarry

A/N: I know I said no Wolfstar in this book, but no one is immune to the Wolfstar! This is mainly about Drarry, in an AU where Sirius and Remus raise Harry in Grimmauld Place, and Voldemort died in Chamber of Secrets.

Sirius and Remus are married (Duh!).

Set in 5th Year.

Sirius POV:

Today is the day Harry comes home for the Christmas Break. Apparently, according to his letters, he has something he wants to tell us. Apparently, he hasn't even told his best friends, Ron, and Hermione, about it yet. 

As I and Remus are waiting on Platform 9 and 3/4 for Harry, Remus must have noticed my anxiety and immediately held my hand tight as a sign of reassurance. I look up at him and smile my nervousness vanishing. What would I do without my werewolf?

5 Minutes later, The Hogwarts Express arrives and my eyes are set on the doors, looking for a head with raven and unmanageable hair. As soon as I stop him, he comes running to us shouting, "Moony! Padfoot!", and then hugs us both.

I smile ruffle his hair while saying, "How are you, little guy?"

"I am NOT little! I am the same height as you!", Harry replies, a grin on his face.

"Harry, I am 5'9. Everyone is taller than me. But look at Remus, the giant who is 6'2, be taller than him, and I won't call you little guy."

"No way. No one is taller than Moony.", Harry says, looking up at him, Remus smiling at the stupidity.

"Come on, idiots.", Remus says, smiling stupidly.

"But you love us.", I and Harry say together.

Laughing, Remus says, "That I do. So, I guess I should say, Come on, Idiots I love."

Laughing, I carry Harry's bag while following Remus to the floo.

Once we reach home, Remus serves up the food and we gobble it down quickly. Then, Harry says, "So, about the thing I wanted to tell you guys, you might be very angry, so...um... yeah..."

"Harry, don't worry. No matter what, we will never stop loving you.", Remus says and nod.

Taking a deep breath, he says, "So, I came to this realization last year, but was too scared to tell anyone. But now I will. I... I am... I am gay!"

Remus POV:

Harry just came out to us. I am so happy for him. As I was going to congratulate him, Sirius jumps up and shouts, "Finally, someone to teach the way of the gay to!"

Harry dissolves into laughter while I facepalm and shake my head, but I can't suppress the grin on my face. 

"Well, we both support you, Harry. I mean, come on, you living with your two gay, married uncles!", I say, causing Harry to giggle.

"Who is it?", Sirius asks.

"What?", Harry says confused.

"Who is the guy who made you realize you are not straight. There is always a guy. Who is it?"

Harry's face pales and the smile slips off his face. 

"That is the part I am scared about...", He says softly.

"Harry, no matter what, we will still love you.", I say, smiling.

"It is someone I became friends with last year, and the only people who know about this friendship are Ron and Hermione. He is amazing and I really like him."

"Who is it?", I ask, trying not to sound too curious.

"Draco Malfoy.", he whispers, but I am able to pick it up due to my Lycanthropy.

Harry looks at me and I smile, and then realize why he is scared. 

"What? I didn't hear you.", Sirius says. 

"Promise me you won't get mad at him.", I tell Padfoot. When he nods, I sigh and say, "Draco Malfoy."

He just stares at my face for 2 seconds, before looking at Harry and then back at me. He then finally says, "What can I say, there is something about us Blacks that makes people gay...", grinning like an idiot. 

Harry lets out a breath and then hugs Sirius tight, glad that he still loves him. "I thought you would hate me.", Harry says. "I could never hate you, never in a million years, Prongslet.", Sirius answers.

I smile because the two most important people in my life are happy, and that makes me happy.

"Oh, and a little birdie (By birdie he means Narcissa, I add) told me that little Malfoy isn't as straight as you think."

"You are lying.", Harry says, looking at me.

"It's the truth.", I confirm.

"No way...", Harry replies mesmerized. 

"Whatever, now can we have a Disney movie night?", Harry asks.

"YES!", Sirius shouts like the kid he is.

"I never knew I married a child.", I say.

"Oh, sweety, you love it."

"That I do.", I reply sitting next to Sirius with my head on his shoulder. Life was truly great...

[Time Skip to when Harry sees Draco for the first time at Hogwarts after the Break]

Harry POV:

Oh my god, look at Draco! He is so beautiful, I can melt. Then I remember what Moony and Padfoot said, he might not be straight. So, I am going to do it.

I am going to tell him I like him, so what if our friendship is thrown away and he hates me forever?

Taking a deep breath, I walk to him and notice that no one else is around. Thank god!

"Hey Har-"

"I like you."


"I like you. Like like you, like more than friends..."

He looks at me in confusion before cupping my face in his hands and gently kissing me. On the lips.

Oh. My. God. This is actually happening!

When we pull apart, we both are smiling like idiots. Draco then says, "I like you too, Harry, always have..."

Smiling, I kiss him again, and when we pull apart, we hold hands and walk to the great hall together.

Life was great...

A/N: Hey guys. BTW, this story is posted in my Wolfstar oneshots book as well.

Bye,  Potterheads and Wolfstar Lovers,
Until Next Time,


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