The Golden and Green Trio - Part 3

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I look at him in shock as everyone turns quite. Tears spring to my eyes and I do nothing to stop them. "You...what?...", I say, my voice cracking.

"I. Hate. You.", Harry replies stressing every syllable.

And that is when my world shatters...

Draco POV:

No, no, no, NO! This cannot be happening to me. I must be hallucinating. But then Harry turns around to face the other students in the great hall and yells, "I love you, Ginny!"

As I stare at his back as he walks towards her, I know that I was not dreaming. I breakdown on the stage, falling to my knees, while Pansy and Hermione run to me, to try to calm me.

Ron POV:

What. The. Heck! Why would Harry do that to Draco and he loves... my sister?!?

As I see him walk towards Ginny, he turns to meet my eyes and has a help me expression on his face, though it only lasts for a split second before he starts walking towards her again. 

That is when I knew... that Ginny had him under the Imperius Curse. Blaise started walking behind Harry to give him a piece of his mind, but I stop him. 

Instead, I walk to Ginny and yell, "STOP IT!" Everyone looks at me, keen to know why I shouted at my sister. 

"Remove the curse, Ginerva.", I say, shaking with fury.

"What curse?", she asks batting her eyelashes innocently.

"The Imperius Curse, Ginny. Remove it from Harry." At this point, even Draco had stopped crying.

"Never!", she seethed. So I simply knocked the wand out of her hand and I could hear Harry shouting, "Draco!" and then running to him, flinging himself onto Draco arms.

"Why?", I ask her.

"Because all you faggots are disgusting human beings. And Harry is meant to be with me, not with Deatheater Spawn."

I could hear Draco sniffle and Pansy gasp.

"Well, these 'Faggots' and 'Death eater spawns' just saved yours and everybody's lives by endangering their own. I hate you, Ginny. I am ashamed to call you my sister.", I say, before turning and leaving.

Harry POV:

As soon as the curse lifts, I run towards Draco and hugs him tight, whispering "I love you" into his ears as tears leave my eyes. "I love you too", he says and I can feel his tears on my shirt. I wipe his tears from his face, smiling and he smiles back too.

"You are the one I want to spend my life with...", we say together and, laughing, we press our foreheads together.

I love Draco so much. I love him more than I thought possible...

Fred POV:

Ginny did... what?!? But that is illegal!

I am snapped away from my thoughts as George leans towards me, away from Ginny who is sitting to the left of him. I immediately wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He was obviously affected by her comments and actions. 

Ginny then turns to us and asks, "Fred? George?"

I stand up, pulling George with me. "We have nothing to do with you anymore.", I say.

Then George adds, "Oh and for future reference, I am gay as well."

3rd Person POV:

Dumbledore took Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, Fred, George, and Pansy to his room, while McGonagall took Ginny to her dorm. Then, Minerva contacted the Weasley family to floo to Dumbledore's office ASAP.

2 minutes later, every Weasley family member, except Ginny, was present in Albus' office, along with Harry, Draco, Blaise, Hermione, Pansy, and Minerva. 

Dumbledore explained to the Weasleys what happened in the Graveyard and then in the Great Hall. "Please bring Ginerva in here. We need to sort her out.", Molly said and Ginny came in a minute later. To say she was scolded would be the understatement of the year.

Then George was telling them about Viktor, Molly caught McGonagall's eye and nodded to signify that they needed to get Viktor Krum here.

(I am not going to put Viktor's speech in an accent cause I don't know how to)

George POV:

As Bill and Charlie were teasing me about Viktor, I heard someone say, "George? Where are you?"

"Viktor?", I say, turning around in amazement. I run and hug him. He is actually here!

He laughs and kisses me on the forehead. I hold his hand and pull him, introducing him to everyone. My dad stands up and hugs him. Then he says, "Treat him well, or you will never see the light of day again."

Viktor nods, slightly terrified, but then my dad cracks a big smile and everything is perfect again. 

Everyone discusses what they should do about Ginny and in the end, decide that she will be expelled from Hogwarts. We get today and tomorrow off to settle down and get used to life, so Viktor is staying with me for 2 days. Yay!

[Time Skip to Tomorrow]

Today, I and Viktor are going on a date to Hogsmeade. We went to The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, and Quality Quidditch Supplies, obviously.

When we were returning, we stopped near the black lake as no one was nearby, and sat down under the Willow tree (NOT the Whomping Willow).

As we were talking and laughing, we realized that it was getting dark, so I stood up and was waiting for Viktor to do the same. But when he didn't, I looked down to see him down on one knee with a box in his hand. I let out a small gasp as he began talking.

"George, I love you, so much. I met you when you were in your 6th year and we both felt a spark. I have no words to describe how you make me feel. So, George, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, thousand times YES!", I say as he slips the finger onto my finger. 

He stands up and we kiss passionately and with love. As we pull apart, I whisper, "I love you Viky"

"And I love you, Georgie."

When we head back and I went to tell Fred and everyone else, they simply shouted "YES!" in unison. I laughed so hard. Then Fred came up to me and said, "We already knew as he asked for our blessing yesterday. Along with mum and dad's."

As I turn around, I see Viktor joking with Harry as he is the shortest, Draco making Harry blush dark red. I go join Viktor and lay down on his lap as he starts playing with my hair. As I feel sleep approaching, there is only one thing going on in my mind...

Life is great...

A/N: This humongous one-shot is finally done. Yay!

Bye, Potterheads and Wolfstar Lovers,
Until Next Time


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