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Pairing(s): Drarry.

Draco POV:

It was my fifth year. We had Umbitch as our DADA teacher, my dad pressuring me to join Voldemort, and Harry hating me with every bone in his body. I couldn't handle it anymore.

"ENOUGH!", I shout in my empty dorm room and set off to make things right. To do the things my heart wants, not what others want.

My first call of duty, standing up to Snape for his partially towards Slytherins.

Luckily, our first class of the day was Potions with the Gryffindors, the perfect time to do this. Once we reached the class, Snape asked a question that, obviously, only Granger knew the answer to. Yes, Granger, not Mudblood, Granger. Part of me doing what I want to do.

Although Granger's hand was raised so high you could see it from space, Snape blatantly ignored it and said, "No one. I see..."

Taking this as my cue, I shout and say to Snape, "Granger obviously knows the answer, professor. Just ask her."

He glared at me as everyone in the class was shocked at what I had done. Snape still didn't do anything about it. Getting more riled up, I shouted again louder than before, "Professor! I said that you should ask Granger the answer!"

His face became so red I thought he was going to explode, but he still didn't listen. "Why ask a question if you don't want to be answered?", Weasley asked Snape. "Detention, Mr.Weasley", he boomed. 

Getting even more annoyed, I shouted yet again, "Professor, you forgot about my detention!"

Sighing in frustration, Snape finally said, "Detention, Mr.Malfoy."

Smiling, I said, "Thank you", and settled down again and got to work.

When I looked up for a fraction of a second, I could see Snape look at me with a confused look on his face. After class, he stopped me from going out of the class and asked, "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Your behavior at the start of the class."

"Oh that. That is my new way of living life. My way. Not my father's, not yours, not the Dark Lord's, mine. And you can't stop me.", I say, pushing past him and walking out.

During lunch, I made my way to Hagrid's hut to apologize and make up. I honestly always liked him but my dad...

I knock on the door and wait for him to open the door. He opens it with a smile, thinking it was the golden trio, but his smile fades when he sees it's me.

"Malfoy, what is it?"

"I came to say that I am sorry."


"I am sorry for everything I ever did to you. I honestly always admired you and wanted to be your friend but my dad told me not to. But now I have decided to live my life my way, so, here I am."

Hagrid smile and says, "Come in Draco."

We become great friends and I left when it was time for the next lesson. Everyone around me was surprised when they noticed my change. The last lesson of the day before dinner was Care of Magical Creatures, yes!

I went down and said, "Hey Hagrid!"

"Hi, Draco. Ok, class..."

Everyone was shocked when they saw that interaction. I could feel the Golden Trio's eyes on me but I didn't care. I was living my life my way...

During Dinner, I did the last goal of my new change, to accept that I am gay and confess my attraction to Harry Potter.

I stood up after I finished my food and made my way towards Harry. Strangely, the hall grew silent very quickly. I stood in front of Harry and said, "I like you. A lot, and I know you don't so I'll go now and never come ba-"

My rambling is stopped when I feel a pair of lips on my, more specifically, Harry's lips. I close my eyes and kiss back before breaking apart with identical happy smiles on our faces.

"I like you too Draco."

A/N: This was started 2 weeks ago but I didn't have time to finish it. 

Bye, Potterheads and Wolfstar Lovers,
Until Next Time,


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