The Golden and Green Trio - Part 2

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Ron POV:

As we 4 enter the Gryffindor Common Room, I can fell all eyes on me, all of them staring at my hand intertwined with Blaise's. All around, I can hear strangled whispers and I act as if they don't affect me, but they do. Blaise notices this and simply kisses my cheek and smiling, holds my hand tighter as I sign of reassurance. I look at him and smile.

God, this boy is going to be the death of me. 

Just then, a fourth-year shouted, "What are the dirty Slytherins doing in our common room?"

I was trying so hard to not go crazy. And I wouldn't have... if my own sister didn't join by saying, "Why else, other than to accompany their disgusting faggot boyfriends."

That was when I ripped my hand away from Blaise and started walking towards Ginny, anger radiating off me, but I couldn't care less. 

Before I could reach her, Fred and George did. "Hey Ginerva! Mind your language!", Fred shouted at her. "Why? I just said the truth!", she replied, a happy smirk on her face. 

"Let them be, Ginerva! They have been through so much and the one thing that they have right, you want to destroy. You make me sick...", George said before he and Fred turned towards us and started walking to me. "You okay, little bro? No harm done, right?", they ask together. I don't answer, I simply hug them hard because they stood up for me!

"Thank you", I whisper. They smile and nod. "We have something we need to tell you guys.", Draco says, going up the stairs with Harry. Me, Blaise, Fred and George followed. That's when I realize the entire common room is silent. Blaise turns around and shouts, "What you guys looking at!?!"

Everyone immediately went back to what they were doing, obviously scared of him. I simply laugh and he smiles hugging me close before continuing to our dorm. 

George POV:

As we enter their dorm and shut the door, everyone else is seated on the floor. Before they can tell us what happened, I say, "Wait. I need to tell you guys something...".

I look at Fred, he nods and puts his hand on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I say, "I am gay."

3 seconds later, everyone is congratulating me for coming out and then Harry asks, "Who is the guy who made you realize?"

"Um... my boyfriend...", I state, looking at the floor. When I look up, they all have mischievous grins on their faces. 

"And that is...", Ron says, happiness visible on his face. 

"Victor Krum", I answer as quietly as possible, though everyone in the room heard it.

"Wow!", Draco says. "How long?"

"2 years"

"Nice", Harry says and I smile.

"We need to have a chat with him.", Blaise says.

"Why?", I ask.

"So that he knows not to mistreat you, duh.", Ron responds and we all laugh.

"Don't worry, I took care of that.", Fred assures them. "Now, what is it that you wanted to tell us?"

45 minutes later, I and Fred were flabbergasted, to say the least. Voldemort was dead for real, Pansy was in the hospital wing for treatment, Draco and Blaise were also exposed to the curse, Ron, our little brother, killed Bellatrix, and Harry did.. what?!?

"I am glad you guys are okay.", I say.

"Yeah...", George adds. "We should let you guys rest. Let's go, Georgie..."

"No, wait, don't go!", Harry says. "Tell us everything about the love of your life, George"

With a smile, I start with our first meeting...

[Time skip 1 and a half hours later]

RIght after I tell them about my and Victor first 'I love you', Hermione's Patronus, an Otter, comes trotting into the room, saying, "Pansy is awake. You guys can visit her now." Then, it disappears.

Immediately, we six head down to the infirmary to see Pansy. Hope she is okay now. 

Hermione POV:

It has been 1 and a half hours since we returned and Pansy has still not woken up. "Please wake up, Pansy. I love you. I can't see you die. Please, just please wake up. Everything will be all right...", I say, tears falling from my eyes. Suddenly, I feel her fingers move in my hand. And then her eyes flutter open. "Hermione?...", she asks, her voice groggy. I immediately hug her, tears still flowing, only this time, they are happy ones. 

Then, I send a Patronus to Harry, Draco, Ron, and Blaise to inform them about Pansy.

5 minutes later, they arrive, along with Fred and George. 

Draco informs me about what happened in the common room and George's coming out, and boyfriend. 

"I am so happy for you!", Pansy and Hermione say together, before collapsing into a fit of giggles. 

Madame Pomfrey then discharges Pansy, and they all head up to through the Gryffindor Common Room, into their dorm, before shutting the door. 

They all laugh and chat, though Pansy falls asleep on Hermione halfway through. Harry ends up sleeping on Draco's lap as well. 

An hour later, McGonagall calls all of them to the Great Hall, so they head down together, the Slytherin Trio only separating to sit with their house. Once everyone has settled down, Dumbledore starts talking.

"Today, something amazing took place. 6 brave students were successfully able to defeat Voldemort once and for all. They went through a lot before that happened, and I would like to invite those 6 students on the stage please."

With a deep breath, we all stand up and make our way to Dumbledore. As soon as we stand up, I can hear everyone whispering and gasping. 

Then, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise start the story and we continue, until the part where we come back to Hogwarts.

Then everyone claps and yells "Thank you!".

Draco POV:

I was happy that finally, it was all over. "I love you, Harry", I say turning to him. He turns to me with a smile on his face, like he was going to say it back, like always, but he didn't. Instead, he yelled, "Well, I don't love you, Malfoy! Quite the opposite actually, I hate you. You disgust me..."

I look at him in shock as everyone turns quite. Tears spring to my eyes and I do nothing to stop them. "You...what?...", I say, my voice cracking. 

"I. Hate. You.", Harry replies stressing every syllable.

And that is when my world shatters...

A/N: Cliffhanger! Don't worry, there is another part to this. 

Bye, Potterheads and Wolfstar Lovers,
Until Next Time,


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