The Golden and Green Trio - Part 1

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Pairings: Drarry, Pansmione, Blon & George x Viktor (I don't know a ship name).

Set in 6th year. Sirius doesn't die, but Tonks does. You can apparate to go in or out of Hogwarts.

3rd Person POV:

It was halfway to the year. It was also common knowledge that the Golden Trio and the Green Trio were gay for each other. Pansy was dating Hermione, Ron was dating Blaise, and Draco was dating Harry. It started from last year and was still going strong. 

Today was a Sunday Morning, but the Slytherin trio was nowhere to be seen. The golden trio was going mad as they thought that death eaters took them for being blood traitors. They haven't told the professors yet because they don't want to stress them.

Hermione was working on finding the tracing spell while Ron and Harry were reaching the castle for the umpteenth time. Just as Ron and Harry entered their dorm to update Hermione, she yelled, "I got the spell! Come on, line up, faster!". Without wasting time, the boys followed her orders and she performed the spell, showing each of them a picture in their minds which corresponds to their Significant Other's location. This earned a gasp from Harry.

Harry POV:

It can't be! Please tell me it isn't what I think it is. They are all in the graveyard the Triwizard cup took me to almost 2 years ago! As we come out of the trance, I tell them what I think it is and they simultaneously gasp and get more scared. 

"We have to get them back, safe and sound.", Ron said, determined.
"True, we will. Harry can you apparate us?", Hermione asked. Harry simply nodded and apparated them to that graveyard that brings back terrible memories.

Once they landed, they saw Pansy, Blaise, and Draco 7 meters in front of them. 


As Ron, Hermione, and Harry ran towards their lovers, they got pushed back by an invisible barrier and their wands get taken away. Suddenly, Voldemort appears, along with Bellatrix and their wands, in between the 2 trios. 

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here; The Gryffindorks have come to save their disgusting, fag, blood traitor lovers!", Voldemort says, laughing his maniacally laugh, with Bellatrix joining in.

Voldemort and Bellatrix went onto say some other things as well, but none of the 6 people cared to listen anymore. They were just looking at the love of their lives, remembering everything they ever did.

"I love you...", Hermione mouths to Pansy while smiling, tears in her eyes.
"I love you too Hermione...", Pansy mouths back, both of them looking into each other's eyes.

Ron, on the other hand, was looking at Blaise with bloodshot eyes and tears streaming down his face. Blaise caught his eye did a motion similar to wiping the tears off Ron's face. Ron smiled sadly and did just that. Then Blaise mouthed, "I love you, Ron. Remember that..."
Ron mouthed back, "I love you too, Blaise, I will always love you..."

Then, Blaise slowly closed his eyes, thinking of all the good times with Ron, a silent tear lining his face.

On the other hand, Draco and Harry, at the same time, mouthed, "I love you."
They share a brief laugh and then gazed deeply into each other's eyes, never wanting to let go.

The six students tune back into whatever Voldemort and Bellatrix were blabbering about. 

"Before I kill you blood traitors", Voldemort says, turning to Pansy, Blaise, and Draco. "I will... use the Cruciatus on you", he completes, with an evil smirk.

He turns to Pansy with a ringing and loud, "Crucio!"

She immediately starts twitching and screaming and Hermione joins in, tearing lining both of their faces. She is under the curse for one minute before it is lifted.

"Music to my ears...", Voldemort says with a satisfied smile on his face.

He then turns to Draco and puts him under the curse for one minute. Draco was going through immense pain and bit his lip so hard that it started bleeding. But his wasn't going to scream, no, he was not going to give Voldemort the satisfaction. Harry was crying so hard that his body was shaking with his sobs. 

Voldemort looked a little displeased after Draco's turn, but then looked at Blaise and puts him under the curse for a minute. Blaise does scream and Ron too, shouting at Voldemort to stop the torture. 

"Hmm...", Voldemort starts. "Out of you three, I had the most fun hearing the screams of the mudblood lover. So... Crucio!", he finishes, pointing the wand at Pansy. She immediately starting twitching and shaking and crying and screaming. So does Hermione.

Ron runs to Hermione as she falls to her knees, quaking with every cry. Harry, on the other hand, had his eyes closed and his breath becoming faster and faster. 

3 minutes into Pansy's cursing, Harry suddenly opened his eyes with a loud yell and the other 7 people present could all feel the anger and magic radiating off him. The barriers collapsed and Voldemort stopped the curse because of the distraction. 

Wandlessly, Harry retrieved his, Ron's and Hermione's wands from Bellatrix. He then shouted, "Avada Kedavra!" at Voldemort, while Ron did the same to Bellatrix. 

Hermione immediately runs to Pansy and wraps her in her arms. The golden trio then apparats back to Hogwarts along with the Green trio. They immediately run to Madame Pomfrey. Once they reach the infirmary, Harry promptly on a bed due to magical exhaustion. Pomfrey gives him a potion and in 3 minutes, he is back to normal. Pansy has to stay in the infirmary to recover and Hermione stays with her. Draco and Blaise are given the less concentrated version of the potion Harry drank. Dumbledore enters and they explain exactly what took place. Then Ron, Blaise, Draco, and Harry make their way to the Gryffindor dormitories. 

[End of Part one]

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