Chapter 20 - Blames

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So I'm thinking of making a character cast in the next update. Please let me know what you think.


They all sat on my bed giving me weird looks.
Nonso crossed his arms against his chest, shaking his head like an old man who just witnessed an abomination.

Abel was leaning on my bed frame, squinting and consistently shaking his foot.

Oluchi was practically panting heavily like someone who just finished a marathon race and also giving me eerie eyes.

I told her I was going to be alright but she just had to go through the stress of calling the guys. I'm happy though that she cares about me, In fact they all care about me.

I'm just preparing myself for rounds of scolding.

PS: Go get friends like mine.

By the way, the meet with Ethan was... unbelievable both literally and figuratively.

"You guys can stop looking at me now. It's getting creepy." I resented.

"What were you thinking?" Nonso started and paused.

Abel took over, "Why would you take such actions without telling us? Are you trying to tell us that we are just waiting our time helping you out?" His eyes shone as he spewed every word.

"No! Why would you.." I tried bailing myself out.

"That's exactly what you are trying to prove." Oluchi interrupted with arms akimbo, "Hope you are satisfied now." She clapped dramatically.

"Guys I was just trying to..." And I was interrupted again.

"That was so basic Soma. You scared all of us, What if something happened? This wouldn't be the topic at hand." Nonso gave the final blow.

"I'm..." Just when I thought I've been given the audience to justify myself, We heard a loud bang on the door and Helen came rushing in like a dancing mad woman.

"Is she back?!!!". She half yelled unconsciously while looking at the guys. She obviously didn't notice my presence.

"Yes oo. Come and see the scape goat here." Oluchi cajoled.

Helen turned to me with full fury, "Soma are you out of your mind?!!!" She yelled.

"Yes she is." Abel added silently.

"Why did you run off like that?" She dramatically flung her arms in the air, then turned to Nonso, "Where did you find her?" she asked.

"That restaurant." Oluchi replied.

"What restaurant?" Helen inquired.

"The same place they met at first." said Abel.

Helen's tension eased a bit, "Sweet relieve. Did you see the guy?" She asked again.

"No. She was alone when we got there." said Oluchi.

"That was because he already left." I added.

Helen turned to me immediately, "Don't you ever try that shit next time. You almost gave me a heart attack." She snapped.

"Guys I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"Sorry for yourself. Next time I swear I would fucking kill you myself." Threatened Abel.

Nonso raised his hands in discontent, "Hey let's not get violent here. Thank goodness she's okay." He intervened.

I sighed loudly and bowed my head, "I was just trying to get a lead. My mind isn't settled at all, I can barely focus on my studies because I'm busy thinking about who and why does someone wants me dead. I didn't thoroughly think things through before taking the leap I took, I didn't think about the people I'll be hurting and I'm very sorry." I raised my head to find them all staring at me, then I smiled innocently, "Thank you guys so much for always being true to me. I won't promise you that I won't do it again but next time I would use my head first." I finished.

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