Chapter 2 - feel ✔

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So I had some internet issues that's the reason for the late update but I promise another update today to make up for it.

Above is a sneak pic of Soma. I'll make a cast very soon.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

It's Saturday. Or probably World's cleaning day.

After saying my morning prayers, I got down from my bed "Good Morning room." It's a usual thing for me to greet my room every morning.

Oluchi didn't come back from where ever it is she went to last night. I actually called her but she said and I quote.

"Don't worry about me, I'm perfectly okay but I won't be coming back tonight."

So that's how I ended up having this whole room to myself last night. It's also another usual thing because our Madam Oluchi seems to prefer sleeping outside the room.

I drew the hamper of dirty clothes from under the bed and set off to do the needful.

It took me about 3 hours to finish all my chores but at last, I finished them and now I'm going to reward myself by enjoying this delicious spaghetti I prepared and also complete my sleep.

My heart almost left my body when someone suddenly kicked the door of the room open.
"Greetings to the occupants of this room!!"

Of course... It's only Helen that can do such.

I rose from my bed and stormed towards her in anger. "Shey you know ya mad? Why did you scare me like that? This is not how to enter someone's room, I thought you are a serial killer or something." I seethed with knitted brows but she surprisingly found it amusing.

She placed her hands on her chest dramatically, "So you want to kill me because I came to see you." She crossed her arms against her chest and pouted, "In fact, I don't want to see you again. Please where's Lulu the fine girl?" She pushed me aside and walked deeper into the room.

"She's not around." I said with subdued anger as I closed the door.

She really scared the shit out of me and one thing I know is that she's not leaving anytime soon.

She sniffed loudly as she walked towards the kitchen, "Hmm...I can perceive food."

I chuckled as I sprawled on the bed "There are only two things you know in this life and that's sleep and food. And it's not even evident on your body." I said.

It's true. Helen is fair in complexion, has a very slim figure that makes me wonder where all the food she eats goes to, and full brows that I can only have in my dreams.

She has her share of beauty and also tall but I'm taller and that's by a few inches.

She walked straight to my plate rack and retrieved two plates "Please stop speaking this your English. I'm hungry biko."

I chuckled as I went on to serve both of us.

Helen and I always get to spend weekends together. It's either she comes to mine or I'll go to her hostel. We don't do many activities though we just play games, eat, chat or read.

And right now with the way she's scooping food into her mouth, I don't think there would be any left in the pot at the end of the day.

Then my phone rang.

"Who's that?" Helen asked with a mouth full of spaghetti as I picked up my phone.

"It's my Mum... Please be quiet" I made a shushing sign as I swiped across the screen.

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