Chapter 10 - Cryptic Minds ✔

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Thank you guys so much for over 300 reads. I'm elated. Enjoy!! 😍


"This is a ridiculous idea," Abel complained as we were approaching Soma's room.

"Just respect yourself and don't do anything stupid," I warned.

"I'm not promising you shit!" He spat.

So typical of him but whether he likes it or not. We are doing this together.

"We shall see then." I retorted as we reached the door of her room and I knocked.

No answer.

"She's probably not home." Abel blurted out carelessly.

"She is." I deadpanned.

I'm trying my possible best to stay calm and not get riled by his obnoxious outburst but it is getting intolerable.

"How sure are you that she hasn't gone to see one of her numerous boyfriends." He added.

Okay, that's it!.

"Abel will you just shut the fuck up." I snapped at him but as expected he rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall adjacent to the door.

Sometimes I wonder which planet he came from.

I knocked again and the door immediately swung open. A figure popped out.

"Hello!." A fair girl grinning from ear to ear greeted. 'She must be the Helen.' I thought.

"Finally!" Abel voiced out as he stood at the entrance.

Helen stared at him in awe "You! What are you doing here? You are not welcome here." She said firmly with a serious indignant look plastered on her face.

Abel scoffed at this "And who says I even want to be in the midst of pathetic people like you?" He spat obscenely.

"Abel keep your mouth on a leash!!" I yelled in anger. He rolled his eyes again.

I turned to Helen who was still bewildered by his outburst, "I'm really sorry about that. Uhmmm... You are Helen right?"

"Yes. Please I don't mean to be rude." She battered her lashes at Abel in a disdainful manner "But why is he with you?" She questioned.

"Helen it's okay." I heard Soma's from within.

She was just wearing a blue spaghetti top and knee britches, she also packed her braids up so it cascaded down her back. Yet she still managed to look... Wow!

I smiled softly at her and wiggled my brows but she ignored and crossed her arms across her chest. "Soma thank goodness! I thought you were not around." I conceded.

"I am. So why did you bring him along?" She asked with a raised brow.

Well someone is being feisty.

"It's important that I did. Won't you ask us to come in?" I asked nicely.

"Would you stop the chitchat my legs are killing me?" Whined Abel.

If only he would just shut up this will just be a nice and smooth meet.

Soma sized him up with her eyes first before saying, "Alright then."

That wasn't the reaction I expected.

"Is he coming in here?" Helen queried with knitted brows.

Soma ushered us in while she gently dragged Helen outside.

"This room has sure changed judging from the last time I was here." Abel complimented after accessing the room.

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