Chapter 35 - Final Blow

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Without sparing me any minute to think or sort anything out in my brain. Ethan immediately dragged me by my aching arm and advanced towards the back of the building.

"Stop! My arm is aching. Please stop." I cried out as I tried to reduce his pace.

"There's no time so please just comply." He replied, seeming out of breath and suddenly it hit me.
I immediately yanked my arm away from his grip and he was startled.

"How do I know you are not with them?" I queried as I took few steps backwards.

Where has he been all this while I was locked up? I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of their scheme to get me back in the game and I can't be a fool twice. I stared deep into his soul as if searching for a lost treasure.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he averted his eyes from mine and sighed in exasperation, "Why are you making this hard for both of us? Those guys will find out you are missing in no time and that won't be good for any of us so please we have to keep moving." He gestured with his hands for us to move forward but I stayed rooted in my spot.

I can't make the same mistake again. This was exactly how I was fooled by my infamous best friend. The innocent looking ones are usually the guilty ones.
I clenched my fist tighter and wore a stoic expression
"My best friend betrayed me, even your brother!! So why on earth will I believe you and why will you betray your own mother?" I asked firmly with all seriousness.

He flung his arms in the air, "Because she's crazy! They are all crazy and greedy. I could have warned you but I just couldn't." He blurted all in one breath.

"She went this way!!." I heard distant voice say and I immediately began to weigh my pros and cons before Ethan spoke up again

"Look. This is going to be hard but you have to trust me because that the only way you can get out of here alive if I must add." He stretched out his arm towards me and I felt déjà vu.
I suddenly remembered the first time I saw him at the restaurant, he was the guy in the black cap. He had a lot of mysteries around him then that I just wanted to unravel but now I wish I could turn the hands of time and didn't go to that restaurant. In this case, there's nothing much I can do but to gamble with my last card because it's either him or his mother's stupid guards.

Surely he would have answers to my numerous questions like, Is he really my brother? Or is it just another fairy tale because I really want to unbelieve it.

His arms were still stretched out as he stared on with high expectations. I heard footsteps of the enemy getting closer and closer. I stared at his palm again and sluggishly placed mine in his.

"I trust you but not totally." I stated with a final note.

A small smile played on his lips as he tighten his grip on my hand. "Good. Now run like your life depends on it." He said through his teeth and immediately, we started running like mad people with Ethan leading the way.

My legs were almost going to detach from my body because it couldn't endure the pain any more. But it had no choice because the bad guys were just on our tail.

"But Nonso and Oluchi are still inside." I blurted with loud pants.

"Don't worry about them." He said as we reached an open space with a Toyota Venza right in the middle.
He hurriedly opened the passenger's side for me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confusedly as I entered the car. He ignored me anyway and started the engine and zoomed off. "Why are you not replying me?" I bugged him again but his eyes were just fixed on the road and he was speeding!.
He was ignoring me and it's irritating the hell of of me. It's giving me a rethink whether he really meant good or not.

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