Chapter 17 - The suspect

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Okay so this chapter is dedicated to grace_chanbee. Girl your comments makes me laugh like kilode 😂. Thank you so much.

To my readers out there. ENJOY!!


"Please close your mouth, Air fresheners are expensive these days." Abel said as soon as we got to their apartment.

With a little embarrassment, I placed my palm over my mouth and nose, then I exhaled through my mouth. Just to be sure my mouth isn't smelling.

"My mouth is not smelling." I retorted and he laughed.

"Come inside joor!" I slowly followed behind while he strode into the apartment.

'This cannot be a student's lodge' I thought as I fed my eyes.

The living room was just so big and neat and beautiful. Everything was just in order.
There is a staircase in here and adjoining doors that I'm guessing leads to other rooms.

My room is nothing compared to this. It could probably be compared to a section of their toilet.

I admired the marble tiles one more time before turning to Abel who was leaning on a door knob and staring at me. I gulped visibly "You guys live here?" I asked in a low tone.

He giggled, "No, fowls lay eggs here." He replied.

Must he be sarcastic all the time?

"Wow! It's so beautiful." I complimented and continued feeding my eyes.

"Can I offer you anything?" He asked while walking towards me.

"No. I'm okay." I replied unconsciously.

"Thank God because I have nothing to offer you." He snapped and I shot him a death glare.

"I'll check for Nonso so sit and don't touch anything." He said while rubbing his nape.

"Okay... Thank you." I stuttered and slowly sat on a round sofa.

I removed my sandals just to feel the softness of the center rug beneath my leg.

'God! It's so good to have money.'

'Just look at the way everything is begging me to touch them especially this expensive looking clutch sitting on the table.'

Abel told me not to touch anything but it won't hurt if I just take a close look at the clutch. I retrieved the clutch from the table and examined it.

It had pearls all round it. This must cost a fortune and it should also belong to a girl.

I wonder who? Maybe one of their numerous chicks.

Pffffttt! They are guys of course and guys are never and can never be committed so I'm not surprised if one of their whores is somewhere in this building.

"Don't touch that!!!"

The alacrity and gravity of tension and alarm in that voice made me unconsciously threw the clutch on the floor, "Ahh!!" I screamed as some of the pearls fell out of the clutch ruining it's beauty.

Nonso cascaded down the stairs with frustrated steps, "No! No!! No!!! That's my sister's favourite purse." He whined as he bent down to pick the clutch.

Ohh! So it's his sister's!

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I gullibly said.

"I remember telling you to keep your hands to yourself." I looked up and saw Abel with crossed arms and a very stern face.

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