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Love is a beautiful thing when you find the right person. Though the timing may be wrong, that doesn't mean you should keep your heart closed all the time.

Sometimes you just have to take the risk and take the leap. Because you never know when the right man comes knocking at your door.
Step out of your comfort zone and be open to experiences.

Nathan couldn't hide forever, he was caught in Cameroon where he was hiding. Helen was released on bail but I've already severed our ties.
Ethan started a new life somewhere.
Abel and Cynthia went on with their love lives and Oluchi never stopped pissing me off.

From my own perspective, I will say that not all men are the same. People change due to past experiences and that's totally normal.
They build their wall so high so no one would be able to climb it. They do this to protect what is dear to them.
Their heart and their mental health.

'Men are scum', I thought.
'They are cheats and liars', I claimed.
'They are all the same', I said.

But I was judging from the wrong side of the whole thing. Not all of them are the same.
If you can be patient enough to bring down their walls, you would find out that there's actually good behind every evil. You will always rise again when you fall.

I'm going now to enjoy my love life and I hope you do the same.


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