20: Wyssa

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Camp Half-Blood was putting on a play for the entertainment of the Romans. The Aphrodite cabin had begged to be in charge and finally Chiron had given in. They had chosen the biggest romance in history - Romeo and Juliet. Every Greek demigod was forced to audition. Much to the distress of many of the females and the star herself, Nyssa was chosen to be Juliet. Will Solace was picked to play Romeo.

When the time came for the performance, Nyssa felt sick. She had major stage-fright. What if she wasn't dramatic enough? What if she didn't seem love sick enough? Although, Nyssa didn't think she would actually have a problem with the latter, since she had had a major crush on Will since starting camp.

Will wasn't feeling that great either. He was worried about messing up - he knew that Percy and Leo would kill to be where he was. Plus what about the kiss with Nyssa? He had liked since she started camp. He doubted she felt the same way, and he didn't want to ruin his only chance.

He decided to go see her.

She looked gorgeous. Breathtakingly beautiful. Her ebony hair was wound up in a tight braid around her head. Nyssa wore an Ancient Greece style gown, the white a perfect contrast to her dark skin. Her make-up artist had used minimal make up, only highlighting her already stunning features.

"Hey," Will whispered.

Nyssa snapped out of her daydream to find Will standing there. He looked... Perfect. Just like Romeo should. His sandy blonde hair was swept back in a natural yet elegant fashion. He wore an old fashioned blue doublet, which emphasised his strong build and brought out the colour in his eyes.

"Hey," she managed to reply.

"Nervous?" Will asked, nodding towards the curtain that shielding them from the crowd.

Nyssa nodded, her head bouncing as though it would fall off. The Aphrodite girl that did her hair shot her a glare that Nyssa took to mean 'If you make a single hair fall out of place, I will kill you and you will die a slow and painful death and suffer in Tarturus.'

"Yeah. I'm meant to be building things, not fooling around on a stage. No offence but that's more your thing. I'm so nervous. I'm going to completely suck. How are you so confident?"

Will felt a sliver of pride that she thought he was confident. "Actually, I'm not and no it's not my thing. I heal. I don't act. I get major stage-fright and besides, you don't look nervous at all. You look ready to take on the Minotaur."

Nyssa smiled weakly. "Wish I was instead of this."

"Don't worry Miss Capulet. You will be extraordinary, I'm sure." Will took Nyssa's hand and kissed it, then gave an extravagant bow.

Nyssa let a small laugh and curtseyed. "Why thank you Sir Montaugue. I am quite sure that you will not play the fool either."

Will looked at Nyssa for a long moment. There was silence for a few seconds before both of them burst out laughing. Will doubled over, clutching his sides. Nyssa wiped her eyes. The two took a step closer.

"Get ready, actors. The show is about to start," a voice echoed over the loud speakers. They jumped.

Nyssa looked away. Now that stupid announcement had ruined her chance. That was what she thought until Will gave a her kiss on the lips.

"What was that?" Nyssa gasped, pulling away.

"A rehearsal kiss," Will said awkwardly, stepping away. "Sorry." Dammit! He was right. Nyssa didn't like him.

Nyssa wrapped her arms around him. "What for?"

She kissed him again, this time long and hard. Juliet had finally gotten her Romeo, and Romeo had his Juliet.

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