55: Pipabeth

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Piper teaching Annabeth how to braid her hair.

Piper loving how easy it is to manipulate the blonde strands of hair, rather than her mahogany mess.

Piper making Annabeth sit for hours so she can practise different braids.

Annabeth already knowing how to braid, but letting Piper teach her for something to do.

Annabeth admiring the braids afterwards and not letting Percy touch them.

Annabeth using the hours to do crosswords and draw architectural designs.

Jason wishing he could spend more time with Piper.

Percy wishing Piper would teach him how to braid too.

A/N: I wrote this as a brotp. I have read Pipabeth fanfics that were quite good, and if you want to ship this, by all means go ahead. I'm just saying I wrote this as a brotp.

I'm stuck for the next ship. Help?

Thank you all for the 800+ votes and the 12K+ views. You are all worth a ten- there is no room for improvement here. Draco Malfoy would be satisfied.

Love always,
Raylee xx

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