43: Charlena

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Silena's feet hurt. She had been walking since the minute she woke up - no joking. Charlie had woken her up at the moment the sun was sky and had taken her on a romantic date to celebrate their one year anniversary. They had taken the day off training to spend it together. It had been amazing so far and Silena would be lying if she said that she hadn't enjoyed every minute - she was just sick of walking.

"Charlie," Silena moaned. "Can we just stop for a second?"

Charlie turned around, throwing her his handsome smile over his shoulder, slightly shadowed in the dim light of Camp Half Blood's forest. "Just a bit further, Lena. This is the last one."

"How long?" Silena asked in a plaintive voice, tossing her long dark hair behind her shoulder. She wished she had had time to braid it.

Charlie pushed a branch out of the way so Silena could pass. She giggled at the small gesture that meant so much to her. "I promise Lena, we'll get there soon."

"Where are we going, anyways?"

Charlie held a finger to his lips and winked at her. She loved it how he could wink without his mouth moving. "Surprise."

"This had better be worth it," Silena grumbled. "I mean-"

Silena screamed as she fell over a tree root. Charlie caught just before she hit the ground. She gripped his arm tightly as he steadied her and winced as she put weight on her foot. A rolled ankle. Stupid heels.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked, his eyes wide in concern. "Are you hurt? Do you need-"

Silena laughed gently as she tried to stand on one foot. "I'm fine, Charlie. But," she added hopefully, "maybe you could give me a piggy back ride to where ever we're going?"

Charlie threw back his head and laughed. "A piggy back ride, Lena?"

Silena pouted. "Please, Charlie?"

Charlie grinned. "Alright then."

Silena clapped her hands, then jumped on Charlie's back. He gripped her legs tightly. She kissed him on the cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck. Charlie started to run. Silena laughed - a light sound that was carried away on the wind.

Charlie carried her through the woods and stopped on the edge, where shadows still lingered.

"Close your eyes," he instructed her.


Just do it."

Giggling as she did so, Silena obliged. "What now?"

"Okay, I'm going to walk you to our last spot, but you have to keep your eyes closed until I say so."

Silena nodded, excited. She felt the bounce in each step until finally Charlie's strong arms released her. He steadied her so she stood upright until she heard Charlie speak.

"Okay, you can open them now." Silena's eyes flew open. "Surprise!"

Silena gaped at the sight in front of her. She was standing on the green. It was empty, as Silena knew that Chiron had a movie night tonight. Rose petals were scattered across the grass, and in the centre a table set with a candle and a white tablecloth stood. It was perfect, just like she had always dreamed of.

"Oh, Charlie," she murmured. "I love it."

Charlie grinned and heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods, because I had no clue what I was doing. Not really my style if you know what I mean. But I wanted this to be special."

Silena threw herself onto Charlie, wrapping her legs around his waist tightly. She gently stroked his cheek and gazed into his deep brown eyes. "It is. It's perfect. I love you, Charlie."

"I love you too, Lena." He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. Her heart rate started to increase. "You're so perfect, Silena Beauregard, and every day I think how I'm the luckiest guy in the world because I get to call you mine."

Silena's heart ached. She wished she could tell him then, about the bracelet, and Luke, but now wasn't the right time. She'd tell him tomorrow. Instead, Silena wound her fingers into his short hair and whispered into his ear, "Charles Beckendorf, each day I wake up and think how could a girl like me ever deserve a guy like you."

Charlie's lips crashed onto hers and she kissed him back with just as much passion. She knew as demigods that they might not get tomorrow, so they had to take what they could and make the most of it. So that's what Silena and Charlie did that night.

The next day, Charlie was gone, and she never got a chance to say 'I love you' again until she reached Elysium.

A/N: In case you are wondering, the picture in the multimedia are two cards I got from my friends. One is drawn by MrsHiroHamada and the other is made by abbey_violet . Pretty okay don't you think? (Is okay... Good?)

Also, this story will now be known as Tacos, because the acronym for The Canons of Ships (TCoS) kinda looks like Tacos.

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