"My sons gon come when they ready" I said placing my hand on her belly as I sped away.

"Ouuuu" she said holding her stomach as she looked in pain.

"You want me to go to the hospital" I said.

"Nah I'm good Lemme change outta this dress first" she said fixing her lash.

We pulled up to the "party". Which was really just drunk mfs and some extra invited folks.

It was at Jaymo house and when we walked in we saw a whole group of folks passed out. While Tupac played.

"I'm finna go get my clothes form kash" she said going upstairs. I went with ha cuz whatever they drink smelt strong as hell.

She grabbed her bag then went in the guest room pulling me in there.

"Unzip this" she said turning around.

I zipped it down and helped her take it off.

"Look at my belly it's so big" she said standing from the side as she looked in the mirror.

"In the paternity pictures it was smaller than that" I said.

She changed into some tights and a big ole shirt.

"You pissed on yo self" I said look down at the wet spot that she stood in.

"No you fucking drop out my water broke" she said.

"Excuse the fuck outta me" I said helping her down the stairs.grabbing a towel.

Ima have no baby bag or nun.

I helped her get in the her and she pulled her phone out.

"Hello" I heard seeing kash damn wig was halfway off her head.

"Bitch I'm going in labor come for the um hospital" she said clutching the phone in ha hand.

"Oh shit want me to um stop by y'all house and get the baby bags and car seat" she said.

"Yes please but hurry quick and call my auntie" she said.

"Ight hang tight Pooh I'm hurrying look like damn Whitney Houston fucked up ass wig" she said then they hung up.

I pulled in the hospital helping her inside. They took her in immediately.

"I'm assuming your dad so I'm gonna need you to change into this and come on up to floor 4 room 434" the nurse said handing me scrubs.

I went in the bathroom changing into the scrubs. Putting my clothes in the plastic bag she gave me.

I pressed the elevator button and it felt like hour. A girl came in the elevator and I got my phone.

"So-"Don't talk to me bitch" I said getting out on floor 4.

"You don't haft to be rude" she yelled.

I walked into the room seeing day clutching the side of the bed.

"Why Yeen giving birth yet" i said holding her hand so she could calm. Cuz her ass was looking constipated.

"I'm not dilated enough yet but the epidural is slowly kicking in" she said.

Kash walked in with the two baby bags and they blankets and car seats.

"Jaymo and dem on the way they just passed out and I told them try not to turn the hospital up when they come" she said.

"Oh fucking god" she said as tears cane from her eyes holding onto my hand tightly.

"They not finna have my bestie in pain I'm finna go get the nurse Pooh" she said to day.

A nurse came back and reached into ha coochie.

"Welp looks like it's time are we waiting on anyone else you can have minimum of two people" the nurse said.


I would've let my auntie in the room but she was yet to be here.

She been acting funny ever since I got that money. Which I can't get untill I'm 21.

They rolled me in the room. And propped my legs up.

Since I couldn't feel my lower half because of the epidural which helped a bunch with the pain.

It felt like my body was giving out. And I felt weak.

"Heart rate is getting low so we're gonna put her on a pacemaker and preform a emergency sea section" I heard the doctor say.

I saw them take out two beautiful baby boys as I smiled.

She was about to hand them to me but my body shut completely off.

I heard machines beep profusely.

This shìt feel like DEATH'



Thoughts 💭,

(Gon ahead a cuss me out!🌚)

Y'all thought it was finna be chill. Fuck no!

Tee3 outchea,😽

Y'all betta vote cuz Ian updating untill I get 200+

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