V15 - Chapter 182 The White House

Start from the beginning

He sees Tyuule and Deliah nearly having a panic attack. They buckled up in her seat as she looked around. They wonder if all her senses are going haywire because they are on a plane.

Most of the delegation will be meeting the President and then Congress. Many Senators have questions for the US new allies. While the war is waging on many see victory on the horizon and many want to figure out how the US will handle the natives after the war.

"Is flying like this normal daddy?" Selina asks.

"You have seen planes take off from our home all the time," he replies.

"I know," Selina says as she looks out the window, "I just never been so high before. Everything looks small."

He chuckles hearing that, "This is very low for a plane. The distance between Philadelphia and Washington D.C. is short. Only about thirty minutes of flight time. For long flights, planes like this can go ten kilometers or higher."

"Wow," Selina says, "so everything should be smaller."

"Would be smaller Selina," he corrects.

"Would... sorry," Selina says. She then stands on the seats and looks at her father. "Hey, dad. I just had a thought."

He glances up at her. "Is it about the Eskimos? If not, go take a number?"

Sharpe looks at his daughter and sees this confused look. He smirks.

"I don't know what an Eskimo(1) is so... yeah," Selina says, "I want to ask daddy, you have parents. Do they like Washington too?"

He is hesitant to respond to that question. "No. They live on the other side of the country."

"Oh...," Selina mumbles, "I was wondering if they like me or not?"

He grabs her and brings her close. "I don't think anyone could ever not like you sweetheart. Even if you try."

"I am confused about something about Sharpe," Tuka asks, "if the flight time is so short why are we flying."

"This is a diplomatic mission," he replies, "the President is rolling the red carpet out for all of you. Plus, the traffic sucks down there."

As he watches everyone, Sarah sits down next to him. Just like him, she is in her military dress uniform.

"That was fun," Sarah comments, "watching the Vice President talking to the delegations. I hate politics."

In another section of Air Force 2 is the leadership delegation. Duran, Myui, Gallus, and others arrived to sign the Falmart Economic Trade Agreement (FETA) and the many different defense treaties, the main one being the NATO-Elbe Defense Agreement and the US-Elbe Defense Treaty. This treat will increase trade and relations. The adventurers who caused trouble at the strip club the other days are also on board the plane as Wellington has plans for them when he surprisingly releases them and invites them to Earth.

"It is a big moment for the two," he says, "this is laying down the future right here. Hopefully, it works."

"Well," Sarah says, "it sounds like some of the City-States want to merge. I don't know the details but many seem to want to become a state of some kind."

"That doesn't make any sense," he replies, "They fought for their freedom and how they want to give it up?"

"It makes sense," Lelei says, "Right now these City-States are very important and profitable but that is only because of the war. After the war, their importance and trade power will drop. It might take decades but at some point the City-States like Italica and Valtris will become second-rate powers that will fall into the shadows of bigger nations. That was why your thirteen colonies united into one republic. Better protection, better economy, better representation on the foreign scene, and more."

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